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Chief Operating Officer
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Everything posted by VENM VII

  1. Category: Department Head Gamertag: KSI Starset 7 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Starset 7 Reasons they deserve this award: I’ve been around AAP for a hot minute seen lots of phenomenal heads such as Riiot and Airborne and now Starset. Starset is that type of leader that pushes you to better yourself will give opportunities to progress in the department time after time even though I turn it down lol. But throughout the year AAP is and has been that department that shined like a diamond consistently and he is responsible for this but as well as the staff and when the awards was broken he was still giving the staff motivation to remain patient cause we all knew the system would be back up and it was lol and he and the cohead zoomed through it all to get everyone awarded within 24 hours all in all he might be a TTFB but he’s our TTFB Category: Senior Leader Gamertag: KSI xKing 77 Forums Account Link / @ @KSI xKing 77 Reasons they deserve this award: Often times we are presented with challenges that may appear daunting at first and often seem hopeless at times but it takes strength to persevere and throughout this year and that is what King has done this year and the years before and will do in the years to come he has this aura to him I’ve told him many times it’s the Midas Touch everything he has been involved in directly goes from fools gold to the highest grade you can get lol and when he got the CEO promotion I knew everything was gonna be alright and it has been phenomenal ever since the community is growing the members are happy it’s like KSI is turning into one big happy family again a lot of people had their hand in it but honestly the biggest hand is Kings Category Captain Gamertag KSI Blitz11 Account @KSI Blitz11 Reasoning Often times soft spoken but the definition of Captain or Capatain of The Year when he was initially rerecruited he was unsure of becoming an officer but when the time was right he stepped up and it was definitely at the perfect moment climbing the ranks making his voice being heard he was running his squad as a LT but he shined as Captain constantly working his ass off to make sure Elysium stayed afloat constantly getting with the members helping the officers just essentially being the true leader of that squad and it was that hard work that paid off that got him his general promotion Blitz has what you call Grit. Category Lieutenant Gamertag KSI MrsBlitz Account @KSI MRSBLITZ Reasoning The hardest working LT in the game is a title I used to describe this nominee never turned down a member in need whether it was KSI Advice or Real Life advice she made the time for anybody no matter the time each task that was designated to her she accomplished no questions asked MrsBlitz is that kind of officer that you only see once in a blue moon her dedication and respect for the rank and the members alike is something that is admirable.
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