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Everything posted by VENM VII

  1. GT KSI BLITZ11 Award Capped Out Account @KSI Blitz11 Evidence Member of Clan Ops, Join Staff, and AAP I can verify Clan and Web Ops @KSI Starset 7 can you verify AAP
  2. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gruntier 7 Director DW Link to forums account - @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasoning During these last few months I’ve felt some type of way about the division an often times I look to gruntier for advice an a lot of times reassurance an no every time he’s there to give advice on a subject or tell me where it is I need to improve on Gruntier is one of the more down to earth leaders here always reaching out to help anybody sometimes when you have a director they try to interject their type of leadership as to how a division should be ran but Grunt is the exact opposite he will give you his ideas but at the same time will hear your plans out an help you mold something outta the two to make something absolutely amazing as far into making the plan for the future this is something that DW hasn’t had with our previous directors Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Starset 7 CoFounder DW Link to forums account - @KSI Starset 7 Reasoning In his absence as Elysium General due to his promotion to CoFounder the squad hit a snag so when he stepped back in to get it back on its feet it was a much needed refresher Starset is one of those special kind of leaders that is truly a leader for the people whether the circumstances are good or bad he’s there even with his hands in various cookie jars of the community he still has a solid hand in the revival of Elysium at this current time but Elysium isn’t the only squad he helps out he’s there to assist Samurai with anything they may have in the daily runnings of the squad like I said above he is a true leader for the people. General Gamertag KSI HARLEYGIRL Samurai DW General Link to account @KSI Harleygirl Reasoning In the couple of years DW has been around there has been many Generals for Samurai and Harley is the newest one in the role Harley is the one you see with the members no matter the rank or even what’s going on with her personally Harley is constantly holding her staff an members to a Higher Standard than the normal standards an when you look back on it perhaps it’s the motherly instinct in her or it’s the fact that they can achieve far more than they think they just gotta set their mind to it so when you look at it closer Samurai has in fact had many Generals an they were great ones but Harley even though she’s newer she ranks right up there with them so here’s to you Gen from a Samurai Gen. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Blitz11 Link to forums account - @KSI Blitz11 Reasoning- Even though he’s a Captain now in the month of March Blitz excelled at Lieutenant actively getting out there with the members an members alike helping them with anything they might have a question with handles the day to day planning for his squad mentors the members below him in rank a lot of times Blitz is a very soft spoken individual but his dedication counter acts that soft spokeness an in turn makes his voice roar through the halls of Elysium an that ladies and gentlemen is admirable SSGT Gamertag KSI Weeaboo Elysium DW LT Account @Ken Kaneki Reasoning Weeaboo what an interesting name but one of the hardest working officers in DW when you look at Squads you always have that one member who pushes the pace for everyone to better themselves an Weeaboo is that person that does that exceptionally well always reaching out to people making sure everyone feels included the life of the party a lot of times just an all around fantastic leader in a squad an Division
  3. Luck Of The Irish - Yes 2020 Donor - Yes Legen- - Yes Ripple Effect - Yes Staff Awards: The Elite, Heart & Soul Yes
  4. GT KSI VENUM 7 Award Luck of The Irish, 2020 Donor Account @VENUM 7 Evidence Sent Proof To Starset
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