Dropping my vote to Witness
As a recipient of Gold Outstanding Service I definitely can say Skarzx is definitely deserving of this with his dedication to the community I haven't had the opportunity to work with him on the clan ops side but everything I have heard about his work and dedication is nothing but outstanding however I have to opportunity to work with him on the Web Ops side of the community as a GSM Skarzx was on top of the game his work on his sections was an will always be phenomenal now he's Forums Mod with all the hard word he did in the GSM shout out the #ToxicMods but one thing that sets him above the rest is the work in the Education Section the revamp of Lead 201 into CT 201 all the workshops and guides he's put out single handed as well as the existing CEP workshops upon ending this I must say achievements come and go but impacts last forever with all being said Skarzx is a pillar of the community with all his contributions his impact here will be forever remembered