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Chief Operating Officer
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Everything posted by VENM VII

  1. Dary Yes The ELITE Yesssssssssssssssssss
  2. This needs to go in multi department award nomination thread @KSI xRaven 7
  3. GT KSI VENUM 7 Award Dary/ The Afro Rags Account @VENUM 7 Evidence I have over 100 awards sent secondary evidence to @KSI Starset 7
  4. Dropping vote to Witness Blitz or Roberto as I like to call him one of the most outstanding individuals I have had the pleasure of meeting in the community has gone above the call of duty for this award many times in my opinion he is a crucial part to the success of the Join/Rejoin staff by helping out with questions helping the mods in running their applications and so much more now Web Ops isn’t the first sector of the community I’ve seen him be outstanding in and the area I’m talking about is Clan Ops as a officer in Elysium DW he was a driving force in getting the momentum of the squad up there he would ask me what he could do to better himself and I’d give him some tips and with everything I gave to him he hit it outta the park but honestly he is leader of the people and definitely certain he has impacted many people in this community and that ladies and gents is something that is considered outstanding.
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