Department Member
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Boootz Join Staff
Link to forums account - @Boootz
Reasoning why they deserve this - Boootz came into the Join Staff family a few months ago an in that time she has hit the ground running putting work and getting every application of hers done in a timely fashion she also helps out rest of the team with any questions that they may have regarding their applications it’s the effort and team work she displays in my opinion is something that sets her a front runner for Department Member OTM.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xSpartan Samurai WD SGT
Link to forums account - @SPARTAN MAN1911
Reasoning why they deserve this - Even though I’m not longer a member of Clan Ops I do occasionally pop in on my former Division Members every time I pop in a party he always greets me with a warm welcome and he does this for anybody he comes into contact with he one of those members who sees the good in people but he also stands up for the people he’s close with member of the month to me is someone who goes above the call of duty no matter the rank you are in Clan Ops well then look no further than Spartan.