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Chief Operating Officer
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Everything posted by VENM VII

  1. Verified GS Collector Yes Starset VS The World @KSI Starset 7
  2. GT KSI Mommabear Award OS Level 1 Account @KSIMommaBear Testimony Often times we look the levels of OS as someone who has done those things that are considered outstanding whether its months or years but this one I'm putting up is for someone who has been doing all those things since day one and that would be KSI Mommabear Now she joined the community for her daughter Mommabear found that KSI was something she enjoyed so she decided to take the plunge and move up in the ranks now she currently sits at LT however the sky is the limit for her in my opinion and for being an officer for not a long frame of time Mommabear is easily one of the most knowledgeable officers I've met in quite some time. Now what dictates OS for her when you ask her what is biggest thing she wants to accomplish is to make KSI a better friendlier community to make it feel more like a family and more inclusive which she gives a 110% daily in doing so always checking in on people to see how their doing and making sure their ok or just listening to then when they need someone to talk to I can't count how many copies of MK11 she's purchased for the squad she upholds her duties as a officer to the tee from coming up with strategies to better the squad ensuring the next Gen of leaders has the right classes and mentorship to better them she knocks it out of the park but most of all Mommabear is a strong and definitive example of what a TRUE leader in KSI is to her it doesn't matter what rank you are you could be a recruit, a officer, a BOD member, a retired member it doesn't matter she will show you the utmost respect because she grasps the concept it doesn't matter what rank or title you hold or held at the end of the day we all started at the same spot and that is the bottom
  3. KSIHorseride Basic Training, Recruiting Cert @KSIHorseride Attended and participated in workshops hosted by me on 9/8/21
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