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Chief Operating Officer
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Everything posted by VENM VII

  1. She's currently on a LOA but I'm able to give it to him @KSI LeviMOFB I'll have this sorted out here shortly @KSI Raccoon7
  2. Captain Gamertag KSI Shootah Hydra ES Gen Account Link @KSI Shootah Reasoning For a long time Shootah to me has had his head in the clouds. But over the last few months and especially this month that has drastically changed. Over the past month or so Shootah was in charge of running his squad to prepare himself for General. And everyday you seen him busting his butt day in and day out making sure his duties as a captain was fulfilled as well as making sure that his officer staff was staying on top of their duties as well. He kept Hydra running at optimal pace which is something you look for when it comes to leadership it's truly amazing to see how much he's grown as a leader in this community and he's definitely someone who can make it far in this community. Department Member (STAFF) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jewels Senior Join Mod Link to forums account - @KSI Jewels Reasoning why they deserve this - Jewels this month has been killing it at Senior Join Mod this month at her rank she stays on top of everything as a whole when it comes to her rank she's one of the most approachable individuals in Web Ops she's a key driving force in ensuring that everyone in Web Ops is having a great time and that they don't feel left out which is the overall goal that we strive for in Web Ops!
  3. He did indeed donate $100 @KSI Zordon
  4. I can claim @KSI W1ldCat as a mentor. So in my time in this community I've learned that your gonna have many mentors here no matter your rank or time here because there is always something new to learn or sometimes you need a refresher now you'll learn some good and some bad but the things from these mentors however W1ldcat has taught me good things and gave me refreshers on skills that I've forgotten when I came back to Clan Ops I never wanted to move up but she showed that even though I didn't wanna rank up that I still was a valued asset to the squad and she gave me the confidence I definitely needed to push forward and help out with training other potential officers but the thing that she taught me was that no matter what when the times get tough you have to keep pushing and make your goals and dreams a reality so for these purposes I claim her as a mentor of myself.
  5. KSI VENUM 7 It's My Birthday @The ChadMin Proof sent to AAP Chat
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