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Everything posted by VENM VII

  1. I can witness as well as I was in the same party an she gifted me castle crashers so we could all play together
  2. Name: KSI VENUM 6 BANSHEE ES Link to Forums Account http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22813-venum-vi/ Award-/-Achievement: Committed Reason-/-Evidence: Joined May 6th 2014 so today makes my year an I've had gold this whole time.
  3. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SHIVERS 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/18523-ksi-shivers-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - IVE BEEN IN KSI FOR GOING ON A YEAR AND DURING THAT TIME IVE MET ALOT OF INTERESTING INDIVIDUALS. BUT SHIVERS IS THE ONE GUY IVE MET IN KSI THAT IS THE MOST DOWN TO EARTH PERSON OUT THERE. HE IS A GUY WHO JAM PACKED FULL OF KNOWLEDGE THAT CAN TEACH ANYBODY ANYTHING ABOUT KSI. HE HAS CERTAINLY TAUGHT ME PLENTY OF THINGS. BUT ABOVE ALL ELSE HE IS SIMPLY ALL AROUND A FUN LOVING GUY. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI CheyDunn 1LT ES BANSHEE Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20359-ksi-cheydunn/ Reasoning why they deserve this - AHH WHAT TO SAY ABOUT CHEY WELL SHE IS ONE OF THE MOST KIND HEARTED PEOPLE I KNOW. SHE IS A VERY KNOWLEGABLE PERSON WHEN IT COME TO KSI. SHE ALSO IS A VERY FUNNY PERSON WHO CAN BRIGHTEN ANYONES DAY WITH HER WITTY HUMOR Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) KSI xDothraki SGT ES BANSHEE Link to forums account http://www.ksiforums.org/user/28208-kevypoosays/ Reasoning why they deserve this xDothraki is Banshee's newest SGT and and his short time within the squad he has worked his butt off to make banshee a powerhouse squad. I wish i had 100 members just like him he is also a friend ive made within KSI an i look forward to working with him in the future an making that friendship even greater.
  4. He recruited me about a year ago and he taught me a lot of things and to this he still teaches me a lot of things as well as other individuals within our division.
  5. I can vouch for her as well i was when in there when she gave RenegadeDonkie his name change. This took place on 2\6\15
  6. Member KSI Mpliers 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/user/20715-ksi-mpliers-7/ Reason is this no matter who you are what division or squad your in Pliers is the one person ive met in KSI that goes that extra mile to make sure everyone is having a great time
  7. I'm gonna have to go with etf a7x asking Alexandria falling in reverse ffdp him
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