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KSI Countryman

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Everything posted by KSI Countryman

  1. Name: KSI Country Link to Forums Account: @KSI Countryman Award-/-Achievement: Friendly Reason-/-Evidence:Have won 3 days/ shown in profile
  2. Name: KSI Country Link to Forums Account: @KSI Countryman Award-/-Achievement: Jack of all Trades Reason-/-Evidence: Have completed all work shops needed
  3. Name: KSI Country Link to Forums Account: @KSI Countryman Award-/-Achievement: Round of Applause Reason/Evidance: Over 20 Awards Staff Award Requested: Hart & soul
  4. Name: KSI Country Link to Forums Account: @KSI Countryman Award-/-Achievement: Forums noob Reason-/-Evidence: 100+ posts on account
  5. GT KSI Country Award Helping Hand Account @KSI Countryman Bought a member a name change to become a officer. He becoming a great one at that!! I have proof but it won’t let me post a pic. @KSIxKngtut21can vouch
  6. Hosted: Squad Leadership Attendance: @KSI Birdman @Ksi clenched @KSI Break Evidence: I hosted
  7. My shout out goes out to @KSI xSmitty for being a all around great officer and friend.
  8. Work Shop: Train the trainer. Hosted by: KSI Country. Attendance: @IrishEmu Evidence: @KSI Countryman Hosted it
  9. Basic training work shop: @KSI Wrathom @KSI Shadow95 Proof: I @KSI Countryman hosted it
  10. Work shop: Train the trainer. attendance: @KSI Birdman Proof: I hosted it
  11. For the annul tournaments that we have we could get awards. Take rocket league for example champs and runner up champs also we could do 2 time champs so on and so forth.... @KSI Starset 7
  12. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI M1CK3Y Award: Squad leadership Any evidence if required: I did the workshop Profile Link @KSI M1CK3Y Host of Workshop: @KSI Countryman
  13. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI M1CK3Y Award: Basic training, train the trainer Any evidence if required: I did the workshop Profile Link @KSI M1CK3Y Host of Workshop: @KSI Countryman
  14. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Fondu/ @Fondu Award: Basic training Any evidence if required: I did the workshop Profile Link @Fondu Host of Workshop: @KSI Countryman
  15. Name: KSI Countryman Link to Forums Account: @KSI Countryman Award-/-Achievement: on point Reason-/-Evidence: I have 16 awards Staff Award Requested: bacon
  16. OK will what about just having the actual banner. Must be be in Division for 6+months. transfers not included. @Airborne
  17. How about a award by simply being in your Division? Like WD, use the WD header, DL use the header that we already have, possibly make it in to multiple awards. Like being in for 1 month-3 months-5 months ext... That way some of are newer member don’t fill left out on awards, also might get them more active on the forums, Self nomination award? Also could add: WD DIV-LEADER WD FOUNDER WD CO-FO WD GEN and so on? Let me know what you think. @Airborne
  18. Name: KSI CountryMan Link to Forums Account: @KSI Countryman Award-/-Achievement: Legen- / Ripple Effect Reason-/-Evidence: I have 12 awards Staff Award Requested: The oneirio collective/ marine support
  19. Gamer tag/forums name..@KSI DrunkCowboy Awards: Basic training, train the trainer, squad leadership. Hosted by @KSI Countryman
  20. Gamertag / Forums Name... @KSIXJuggernautx @HHT JOKER Award... Both are receiving/ New member, Train the trainer, and Squad leadership. @KSI Countryman hosted all workshops.
  21. me: KSI CountryMan Link to Forums Account: @KSICountrymanAward-/-Achievement: Twitch Sub ClubReason-/-Evidence: it will not let me put a picture for some reason but I do have a screen shot if some one wants to discord me https://www.twitch.tv/ksicountryman
  22. VIEWS I was thinking for a award that could get people more active on the forums. Like getting them to post more, also may help them learn more of the forums as well. We could also do different awards to. Like (100 views) (300 views) (500 views). And so on. Just have to come up with some cool titles.Here are some that I thought of. (Viewer discretion advised) (peeper) (Being watched)
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