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Kaos Reeper

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About Kaos Reeper

  • Birthday 01/26/1991

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Kaos Reeper
  • Date Recruited
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  • Division
    Eternal Souls
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    Kaos Reeper#3029
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  1. Team Captain: KSI Kaos Reeper Division: LS Teammate #2: Alcinity Division: N/A Teammate #3: TBD Division: N/A Sub: Valryie Division: N/A
  2. Was it ever stated which Halo the 2v2 was on? I would assume 4 but was curious. P.S. Anyone who wishes to see a particular game up for Weekend Warfare hit me up. My Xbl GT and Discord are on my profile. I'll gladly take a look at a games potential and if it passes push it through to the rest of the T&E staff and try and set it up for you.
  3. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Kaos Reeper Award: New Member Certified Evidence: I was in the workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Skarzx 77
  4. Team Captain: KSI Kaos Reeper Division: EO Teammate: KSI Widow 77 Division: EO Alternate: LOL Its Clover Division: EO
  5. Team Captain: KSI Kaos Reeper Division: EO Teammate: KSI CHAOTICWIZ Division: EO Teammate: KSI XoSenpaiXo Division: EO
  6. How come there's no SMITE or R6 Siege events in Spirit Week despite obvious and outspoken desire to play them?
  7. Not a day goes by that she isn't there for her members and assosting them in any and everyway possible. We joke that she is Defiant's mom. She is always ready and willing to help you out. Examples Include: Single handly guiding someone to an officer rank, consistently answering questions about the 7s Rank structure to regular members, helping people reach and join the forums and discord server, and helping member to access and vote on the Spring Break Event Poll on KSIGlobal.org She does this and thongs like this almost everyday. She is commited, friendly, and always helping. That's why she's Defaint's Mom.
  8. Out of all the new features/resources/tools coming out and being updated; which are youost excited for?
  9. KSI Sinz (4CPT - Explosive Outlaws/Defiant) @KSI Sinz I have never seen someone do more or worker harder than KSI Sinz. Back when he was in Defiant and we were on the officer staff together and I was an LT while he was a SSGT with the most gumption I've ever seen. He was the hardest working LT I had when I became a CPT and was one of the direct causes for our squads split into reviving Talon; which for the first time didn't have a silly name because he help craft it into an Overwatch squad. Which made the name apropos. He then rose to the rank of Captain and continues to take on as much responsibility as anyone will let him handle. As the General of another squad I can still see the impact he has on his regular members, the work he's put into training other officers, and the fact he's never once flinched when its come time to stand up and take on more like setting a schedule for game nights or coming to Gens meeting week after week. That's why I nominate him for EO's CotM. There's no one I think deserve it more than him.
  10. I mean really? How many more people of different ranks and different squads, different divisions need to tell you about how great this man is for him to get this award? Multiple people from the ranks of Recruit up to the ranks of general and above sing this mans praises. From 3 separate divisions no less. Give the man his OS. Because he is a shining example of redefining the capabilities of the role your assigned and excelling past its known limitations. If the fact that even the little guys can't sing his praises enough while he is a founder isn't enough, I'll give some examples. He specifically mentored me into what to expect as a general how to maintain a squad and everything to look for in KSI. He has helped me hands on more times than I can count. He has offered up his own money and time just to regulate the happiness and enjoyment of regular everyday members. He was and will continue to be one of the main forces driving me to become and better myself as an officer. Trying to just match his pace, convictions, and effort is a task that is as tiring as it is challenging. I think that Explosive Outlaws would have no chance at being the powerhouse it is today, taling Division of the Year. And creating as many 7s and Dept Heads and co heads as it does without his presence. I fully believe he is the lifeblood of EO and is personally one of the biggest sources of motivation to have fun and get things done. If all of that leadership, inspiring, motivation generating, and absolutely incredulous level of effort is not enough for you. Then I need only tell you this. He is one of the driving forces behind the single most important squad split in EO's history, splitting Defiant, one of the main reasons for its growth and of the division as a whole even from the rank of CPT. He then proceeded to revitalize not one bit two squads as general before makimg it to the big leagues where I can't even begin to imagine all he's done to exceed expectations.
  11. I claim @KSI Skarzx 77 as a mentor. He is an sterling example of a perfect member. I don't know of anyone that does more for gis division. Its exactly why I shadowed him every chance I got and went to him for advice. It is solely because of him and what he taught me that I am in the position I am today. I don't know of anyone more deserving of this award.
  12. What can we do to make KSI as a whole, more involved in things in the gaming world? Is there any chance on the forums format receiving an update to be more congruent with today's forum and chatroom styles (ie having the most recent thread or post appear first)?
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