KSI KING JAY (Mayhem ET general) has came up with a KSI Wide Tournament called Call To Arms. The teams are made up of Generals, Majors, and Captains ONLY. Each division will be able to have 6 members (of those ranks) represent them in this tournament. No division is obligated to participate in this. However if your division IS participating, who ever is the head of the CTA team needs to post in here that there division is in. Any division that does NOT accurately post that it will participate will not be eligible for any possible prizes.
Team Defender, Headquarters, and Domination are the three game types that will be played. Winner is best 2 out of 3.
Somebody other than whose playing host the games.
No camping unless you have a sniper (8 secs to move).
No shotguns
No spawn killing/trolling
No MP7s
No flash bangs/concussions/portable radars.
It starts November the 10th. This will give generals/divisions to come up with there top 6 members to compete against the other divisions. The tournament ends December the 21th. The top two divisions with the best records will face off for the finals
Example: The division leader (or whoever is heading the team) of DX wants to get his team all set so he ask a few of the other division leaders if they would be willing to face off any time soon. FH said they would and they are set for the November the 11th at 7 pm est to face off.
Scores need to be posted here so they can be accurately up to date in this first post and BOTH teams need to post them. Be accurate meaning post scores for all the games.
-Leader, KSI KING JAY of ET
-Assistant, KSI KING PUMA of ET
Any questions or any ideas on tournys please feel free to hit me up on xbl KSI kiki 7 or here.