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Dynasty 4000

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Everything posted by Dynasty 4000

  1. hmm...we shall..we will make that our nxt cod tourny!
  2. I witness to this. Dracule's first squad was Nemesis and he has came so far from then. He is a dedicated member to this community and he has been a great help to all who hes been around
  3. oh we will tlk about that sometime this weekend ill set it up on the WW site like all the other sign ups
  4. The Second of March sure..we can have 2 Cods in a Row then 2 Halos in a row. We will do that.
  5. This event will be moved to the 23rd if you are game tohdoh, the 4v4 MLG is going to be put on hold.
  6. So why not in March...lol i dnt like to plan things that far in advance unless its an event..tournaments maybe a month or so ahead
  7. Why this specific date? And what game mode are u thinking
  8. February 4th Meeting notes February 9th 8 pm est 4v4 HC Killed Confirmed KSI P0w3r,KSI Resolution,KSI Predator 7 February 16th 8 pm est 2v2 MW3 TDM KSI Zohan, KSI WHITE FIRE, KSI xZODIACx 7, KSI Resolution February 23rd at 7 pm est 4v4 Halo 4 with KSI Onikitsune and KSI BEN DOVER get other people Tlked about Communication and repeating msgs out! We need to promote ourselves..how can we expect others to do the same! DECENT ATTENDANCE I HAD A GREAT TIME!
  9. I'm just a cynic, my faith in people is just gone no matter their prestige.

  10. If cope is needing anymore witnesses to his great work in KSI thus far i will witness for him. He is a gem in whatever division he touches. He is a great all around member and also participates in his division. When he was in the squad level, he was in HH as well. He is a wonderful asset to KSI thus far
  11. There will be a KSI team starting up on Black ops 2. It will first of course start out on Gamebattles. KSI 1C3M4N 7 (Not Bill's Iceman for the record lol) is the one who is trying to get a KSI team going again. They had one in the past, however it faltered due to some leadership issues. So he would like to try again. He has experience with the circuit and he would like to have KSI members be on the team. Not outside people, but members that make up this community. Just because you show interest does not mean you will be on the team. It is selective. The point of the team is to have the best possible. Please try to be good sportsmen. All Ranks are allowed. You do NOT have to have a KSI tag. As well as all ages in this community are allowed. However if the team gets to the point of traveling parental consent will need to be provided for the underage members. It is a step by step process. So please understand not everything can be rushed. First is gauging the interest and then we will move on to the make up of the team and so on. Be aware that if you make a team, expectations are high on how far the team will go. If you do not have the time commitment of practicing often than it is best not to sign up. Clan ops should NOT suffer if you get on the team. So please post in this topic if interested. Pm me with any questions. .
  12. 4v4 Grifball the Friday the 25th at 8 pm est with zohan and instinct and others? February 2nd at 7 pm est with zohan and paratroop possibly me if im a cheeseburger February 9th at 8 pm est will be Hardcore Killed confirmed with Power and others? Valentine's 2v2 Tournament on the 16th. Tlk about that with the staff get names. Mw3 TDM was the group decision
  13. 4v4 Grifball the Friday the 25th at 8 pm est with zohan and instinct. Any volunteers? Predator will be the 3rd
  14. I witness to this award we were in the same squad at the time and even after he came back he still had KSI in his name. He has truly earned the committed award.
  15. Awesome Oni ill have you help, predator you did it last weekend so 3 should be enough..now all we need to do is spread the word about this WW Plz send msgs guys.
  16. You have to bring your own food aside from the barbeque where you'll need to possibly contribute...just letting you know..so if you want alot of protein you have to bring it your self for the other meals..:O
  17. ace already is planning that im sure..hes mentioned it more than once..im sure he could of course use help.
  18. ...lol I witness to this award..twahl was a wild one to deal with in TW. I think everyone knew we had issues that exploded greatly. Hes a mad max definitely. lol Badass General..giggle giggle
  19. Short meeting..only 5 people came evaluating positions of people already here and applications coming in. 4v4 SnD Blops 2 tourney 19th of january, Shade and Junior and try to get someone else 7 pm est 4v4 Grifball the Friday the 25th at 8 pm est with zohan and instinct need more Any questions ask. :O
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