Attendance: KSI Pr3dator 7, KSI Supremacy, KSI TheEnforcer, KSI Dr Swarm, KSI AchievHuntr, KSI ZODIAC 7, KSI MERK, Connor Cardwell, Charles bond, and Natasha
Topics: April 13th Halo 4 snipers 4 vs. 4 still consists of KSI Pr3dator 7, KSI Purge( Sebastian), and KSI TheEnforcer.
Also on the 13th the Halo 4 build off starts for builders
April 20th consists of Halo 4 build off 4 vs. 4 hosts are still KSI Supremacy, KSI TheEnforcer, but KSI Stonedage did not show up so im not sure about him. But KSI Purge offered to help if we cant get a third judge and Zodiac also offered to help if he has an open schedule.
Also Merk and some others want more CoD tournaments so I told them I would talk to you about it since this month is full so I told them next month
Purge asked if the griffball event is still possible since he is willing to help out with it. The day of it he said would be the 20th as a second event while the build off goes on.
And last some members asked about admin and I told them to message you on skype for it
Given by KSI Pr3dator 7 (he does better notes than me)