Co-Division LeaderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Silence 7 CO-Division Leader over FI
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Reasoning why they deserve this - this man has all of FI back always watching out for all of us always there for us no matter what time it is day or night. Always going above and beyond for our members whether it be a question or helping some one with a name change when he can. Always there to game with people and making members feel welcome and appreciated. He takes and handles problems in a very professional way. He is there for anyone who needs to talk whether with KSI issues or with personal issues as well. This guy is a great guy and a great leader.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NEGEN 7 Founder over FI
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Reasoning why they deserve this - this man works hard at what he does. And has been doing a great job for as long as he has been our founder. Answer questions and always keeping on top of stuff. Plays games and makes members feel welcome.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Blicky 7 COFO FI over Hellcat and Enforcer
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Reasoning why they deserve this - he is there for ever single one of his members. Day and night if you need help he is there for you.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MetalBarbie 3CPT FI Velocity
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Reasoning why they deserve this - She is a great Captain who takes care of a lot of stuff in her squad always there for her members and cares about all her members as well she puts a lot of her heart into KSI. She's not only there for her squad she is there for any one who needs her and has everyone's back in FI. She definently deserves this.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI GamerJohn SGT FI Enforcer
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Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI GamerJohn is always there when needed always willing to help out his squad every chance he gets. Always willing to pick up a recruit when one needs to be recruited. Always gaming and including fellow squad members as well.