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KSI Tiger 77

Meow Meow
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Everything posted by KSI Tiger 77

  1. Please post as following; Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Demonwolf 35 Awards squad leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI T1GER hosted Profile Link if possible @KSI Demonwolf 35 Please post as following; Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Taywick 77 Awards squad leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI T1GER hosted Profile Link if possible @KSI Taywick 77 Please post as following; Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Zombieslaya Awards squad leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI T1GER hosted Profile Link if possible @KSI ZombieSlaya Please post as following; Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Khaos8856 Awards squad leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI T1GER hosted Profile Link if possible @KSI Khaos 8856 Please post as following; Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Trucker69 Awards squad leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI T1GER hosted Profile Link if possible @ KSI Trucker69 Please post as following; Gamertag / Forums Name KSI BadFoxx Awards squad leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI T1GER hosted Profile Link if possible @KSI BadFoxx
  2. PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Team Captain:KSI Skychild Division:WD Teammate #2:KSI Hades Division:WD Teammate #3:KSI T1GER Division:WD
  3. Gamer tag KSI Hades21 Award Squad Leadership Evidence me Forums link @KSI Hades21 Gamer tag KSI Raven12 Award Squad Leadership Evidence me forums link @KSI Raven Gamer tag KSI Stars jr Award Squad Leadership Evidence me forums link @KSI Stars jr Gamer tag KSI DarkAngel Award Squad Leadership Evidence me Forums link @KSI DarkAngeI
  4. Gamer tag KSI Folkstyle Award. Squad leadership evidence me forums link @KSI Folkstyle
  5. Team Captain:KSI Waviestsnow Division:WD Teammate #2: KSI Hades21 Division:WD Teammate #3:KSI Skychild Division:WD Teammate #4: KSI T1GER Division:WD
  6. I have a couple people come to me suggesting fornite if there is a way it can be done that would be awesome
  7. Team Captain KSI kalakoi77 WD Team mate KSI T1GER WD
  8. I had a really fun time last night with the sevens vs members can we do that again or even every four weeks or six weeks
  9. On Saturday, August 11th, T&E will be hosting a tournament on Rainbow Six Siege. Gametype: 3v3 Bomb - The event starts at 8pm EST, and sign-ups close promptly two hours before the event starts. (6:00pm EST.) PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING FORMAT WHEN SIGNING UP: Team Captain: KSI T1GER Division WD Teammate: KSI DarkAngel Division WD Teammate: KSI Folkstyle Division: WD Quote
  10. KSI x Rogue Squad leadership certified KSI T1GER did the workshop and she attended the workshop @KSI x Rogue
  11. Co div KSI xHawk 7 he deserves this award because he is always there to ans any question that comes up.always wanting to join gamenights and very easy guy to get along with co founder KSI Kalakoi 77 Very friendly and extremly helpful with any squad he is over. He helps you to be a good gen of a squad before handing the squad over hemakes sure the squad is fully orginized
  12. KSI CHERRY 7 WD Division leader she is really sweet and always gives a positive way of having things get done. She is always there when you need her.
  13. The forums are a great tool but they seem to be backwards. When you post something you have to scroll though many to see the last one to read the newest stuff. Is there a way to get the newest post on top ?
  14. I would love to use to the forums more but the forums are very backwards to me. Can we by chance have it where the last post is on top and not at the end?
  15. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI T1GER Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Attended @Cherry New member workshop 4/23/18 Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Cherry 7 @Cherry Forums Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43422-ksi-t1ger/
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