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KSI Tiger 77

Meow Meow
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Everything posted by KSI Tiger 77

  1. Host: KSI Tiger 77 Workshops: Recruiting Workshop Attendees: @Ksi Squish KSI HEFNER 7 and KSI Tiger 77 hosted
  2. Host: KSI Tiger 77 Workshops: Basic training Attendees: @Ksi Squish KSI HEFNER 7 and KSI Tiger 77 hosted
  3. Gamertag / Forums name- KSI Hisoka / @KSI Hisoka0 Award - Recruiting Any evidence - KSI Tiger/KSI HEFNER hosted it
  4. I witness KSI HEFNER's hard work and dedication to this community. I meet KSI HEFNER back in July of 2023 when we did our super squad. He put in many hours in getting the members changed over to the new squad. This is a man who doesn't sleep when things need to be done. He then went and became Gen of Fallen and worked with the officers individually when needed to help them be the best they can be. Not only did he do for our squad he help out wherever and whenever he could. He has so much patience with everything he deals with. He was the best Gen I ever had in the time I've been a part of KSI. Now that he has moved up to Co-Fo, he does even more he gets his hands in all the cookie jars. He is a man with many different talents. He is always there when you need him even if it's just to vent. HEFNER will give you every tool you need to succeed. I just want to thank you for all your teaching and game playing you have done with me.
  5. Gamer Tag - EternalHavoc Gamer Tag - ApollyonHexe Award - Basic Training Link - @EternalHavoc Link - @ApollyonHexe Evidance - KSI Tiger 77 Hosted workshop
  6. Gamertag: KSI Tiger 77 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Tiger 77Award: OTY Show Attendee Reason/Evidence: sent to Sharkie
  7. I'm here to witness this OS1. HEFNER definitely deserves this award, Due to Samurai shutting down HEFNER transferred to Carnage where the first thing he does as a CPT is meet all the officers to get to know them. He then proceeded to meet all the members. Once he got a feel of the officers, he put on his training boots and began to train and work with all the officers. Then comes an announcement that WD is going to a super squad, HEFNER would stay up late to help with getting everyone into the super squad. There again Hefner goes to meet the officers and all the members. Where he is working with the officers and then gets promoted to Gen of Fallen. As the Gen he makes sure the officers are doing their task they are supposed to be doing. If an officer need help, he goes and helps them. He has patients like no other, he will go over something with anyone until they understand it. He will try different ways for the officer to understand what it is. Being in the old state of mind HEFNER will work with you into you are out of those old ways and in with the new ways. If there is a member who wants someone to play a certain game with HEFNER will start up that game and play with that member. His action shows how much he cares about Fallen and KSI as a whole. He has a wealth of knowledge and shares that with every officer there is no matter the squad. His strength is really high with IRL and things that have happened most people would say I'm out not HEFNER. Also, it's easy for us to forget HEFNER is 5 hours ahead of the KSI time zone so when say 8 PM EST game night it's actually 1 am for him but he still will go on the tag and do the invites for that officer's game night. If HEFNER is not online it is still very easy to get a hold of him in discord (I think the phone is glued to his hand). Working with HEFNER makes you want to stay and do your best as an officer. HEFNER you are the best GEN I have ever had and worked with. @KSI HEFNER
  8. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Swag 77 Link to forums account - @KSI Swag 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Any free time Swag has he devotes his time to clan ops. He is always thinking what is best for the community and how he can better it. It's not to better it for just the members it is also for the officer's so the officers have the time to enjoy the members. He doesn't just a thing in place he will ask the opinions of the officers one how they feel about the idea. He has been working on new ideas for the discord and put something in place to help the Gens and Maj to keep better track of the activity and PO progression and lots of other neat things. He revamped the Academy Server. Ask him to join a game night if he is not in a meeting he will be there. He just pops into parties to check on officers and members he also just joins a game night. There is so much we don't see at the time he is doing it but when it is finished, we see the results. Leader (Div leader, Founder, Co-Founder) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI WIDMama 7 Link to forums account - @KSI WldMama7 Reasoning why they deserve this - With her enthusiasm people around her want to do better. No matter what was going on any chance she had a free moment she would get online check in with officers and members. If you're having a problem with something all you have to do is reach out and Mama would guide, you the best way she could. I don't think this woman has missed a meeting even though she was having a real rough month (IRL). She is so devoted into KSI she lives for it. She does everything possible for not just one squad but for three. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -GEN - KSI HEFNER/Fallen Link to forums account - @KSI HEFNER Reasoning why the deserve this - This is a Gen who has been moved from one squad to another (Samurai to Carnage) then another (Carnage to Fallen) in about a months' time. This would discourage a officer but nope that just made him stronger. This past month HEFNER has worked with me and has me ready to move to the next step. He works with all the other officers as well. Even though he is 5 hours ahead of the KSI time zone he still makes it squad meetings and game nights. Anyone who works with HEFNER get a wealth of knowledge. He has done a outstanding job with Fallen getting us ready for the next steps in our squad. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - LT - KSI Celebi/Fallen Link to forums account - @KSI Celebi Reasoning why they deserve this - For what Celery does in a week you would think he is online 24/7. He hosts 3 game nights a week and host a workshop every week. He also is getting with members on a daily. When it's time for the awesome security checks he gets threw his list and ready to help with the officer who has stepped away from clan ops. He also is working with a PO or 2. He also works with the SSGT's. With all this he does in a week he works 7 days a week he is actually online about 3 hours a day. He is enjoying every minute of being a officer. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - SGT - Septicade/Fallen Link to forums account - @KSI Septicade Reasoning why they deserve this - This is an SGT that went through a rough time with working so many hours and had not much time to game but he stuck it out and this past month has got so evolved into the squad. He has been Co-Hosting game nights bringing in recruits. He also has been getting to know the members. He now has the time and has decided to take the next step and become a officer so he is going through his training and will be a awesome fit for the officer core once he gets his training done. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PandaLeafy Link to forums account - @Bootasious Reasoning why they deserve this - This is the kind of member that so excited to show up for that game night or even just hang out in a party. With discord being so much needed he helps gets members joining the VC.
  9. I witness this OS lvl 2-3 I rejoined back in Jan 2023 and KSI WIDMama 7 was helping out any where she can in our division working with our Co-Fo any chance she could. Her division had gone and did a super squad (which is some work to complete ) She get them all rolling in the right direction then with us having no division 7 she stepped in and helped us do a super squad in July. Then to turn around a do another super squad and get them all set on the right path. During all this she still works with her division and WD. She is constantly checking in on members , working with the officers , and still doing what is needed as a div lead. There is so much people don't see that she does and she don't speak of those things she does it because of her love for the community but most of all for the members. Mama does everything she can to make this community a joy for all. If you are having trouble ask and she will be there to help in any way possible. With her leadership she definitely deserves these awards.
  10. Award Hobbyist -YES Mac and Cheese -YES
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