I'm here to witness this OS1. HEFNER definitely deserves this award, Due to Samurai shutting down HEFNER transferred to Carnage where the first thing he does as a CPT is meet all the officers to get to know them. He then proceeded to meet all the members. Once he got a feel of the officers, he put on his training boots and began to train and work with all the officers. Then comes an announcement that WD is going to a super squad, HEFNER would stay up late to help with getting everyone into the super squad. There again Hefner goes to meet the officers and all the members. Where he is working with the officers and then gets promoted to Gen of Fallen. As the Gen he makes sure the officers are doing their task they are supposed to be doing. If an officer need help, he goes and helps them. He has patients like no other, he will go over something with anyone until they understand it. He will try different ways for the officer to understand what it is. Being in the old state of mind HEFNER will work with you into you are out of those old ways and in with the new ways. If there is a member who wants someone to play a certain game with HEFNER will start up that game and play with that member. His action shows how much he cares about Fallen and KSI as a whole. He has a wealth of knowledge and shares that with every officer there is no matter the squad. His strength is really high with IRL and things that have happened most people would say I'm out not HEFNER. Also, it's easy for us to forget HEFNER is 5 hours ahead of the KSI time zone so when say 8 PM EST game night it's actually 1 am for him but he still will go on the tag and do the invites for that officer's game night. If HEFNER is not online it is still very easy to get a hold of him in discord (I think the phone is glued to his hand). Working with HEFNER makes you want to stay and do your best as an officer.
HEFNER you are the best GEN I have ever had and worked with. @KSI HEFNER