Gamertag(Rank-division/Squad )
KSI Prophecy v7 (Founder-DL)
Link to forums account: @KSI PROPHECY v7
Reasoning: Prophecy has been always been there for DL when you ask him something,he responds ,He’s always willing to help anyone regardless of the situation. Prophecy has shown the determination to bring squads like Ares DL back up to running conditions by retraining all the officer staff and making sure that any and all problems were handled correctly.
Link to forums: @KSIxCrimsonTear
Reasoning:Crimson has been very helpful in Ares. He step up when I need him to. He’s has been getting people on forums and helps them with any questions they might have.Also he’s help those who need it if it be forums or the recruiting structure he would be able to help and if it’s something different then he probably listen to what you have to say.Im really proud to be his leader and i can’t wait to see were his path leads him