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Isnana ISK

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    KSI Kerfuffle
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  1. Blicky has always put others in the community ahead. During his time as an officer in Hellcat, and as my general he was always there when I had a concern, or question. More importantly he made time for every member of the squad who had a question, or just wanted to play a game. As co founder he has excelled. Not only was he active with the two squads he was over if anyone in the division needed assistance he made the time to help out. He has consistently put the people in his division ahead of his personal time. He somehow is able to talk and game with people despite working nights. Blicky remains one of the few people I would not hesitate to go to with anything I was having difficulty with.
  2. Member assistance: Barbie has been a great source of information to myself regarding information I needed when filling out a department application. She's also been willing to give advice when asked. Die Hard: Barbies squad lost most of its officer core and a significant percentage of its members recently. Despite these setbacks and other hardships she kept her squad active, continuously monitored her squads security, and ultimately placed her squad on the path to recovery. Mad Max: with the struggles her squad has gone through in the past month or so I don't see how barbie could remain sane. To recap; ten plus members were poached, including a lieutenant and a staff sergeant. She also took on the responsibilities of being a General despite lacking the proper tools and access required to excel in that position.
  3. Co-Division leader KSI Silence 7 Co-div FI @KSI Silence 7 Silence has been leading our division through current difficulties with a steady hand. Not only has he kept our division's spirits up, he has, more than once, provided an ear for anyone to talk to about any trouble they've had. Silence has also helped to get members interested in spirit week events. Regarding issues or questions I've had with running a squad silence has consistently been one of the first I would turn to. Co-Founder KSI Blicky 7 CoFo Hellcat/Enforcer FI @KSI Blicky 7 Blicky has been bringing members from across the division into parties for no reason other then to hang out and foster conversation. Especially with current inconveniences the boost to morale has been most welcome. Captain KSI MetalBarbie Velocity FI 3CPT @KSI MetalBarbie Barbie has shouldered the responsibility of running her squad, in spite of the hits it has taken. That she has remained positive and forward-thinking is an admirable thing. LT KSI Cable 3Lt Hellcat FI @KSI Cable Cable has been active in the squad doing game nights, participating in spirit week, weekend warfares, and headhunters despite having an unforgiving work schedule. How he has not gone insane I don't know, probably copious amounts of caffeine. Department Member KSI GreendayFox 4CPT Hellcat FI Marketing and History team member Even if I lived under a rock I'd know what weekend warfare or other event was coming up. This is due to Greenday's unwavering dedication to getting members to jump into whatever event has been cooked up. She has also spent an inordinate amount of time combing through the FI archive, and talking with past leaders to map the divisions history. I can confidently say my squad and the division as a whole would not run as smoothly without the dedicated presence of KSI Greenday Fox.
  4. I claim Negan as my mentor. Anytime I have a question about how to handle a situation Negan has been there to assist with coming up with a solution. Negan also participates in many of the divisions game nights, or just hangs out in a party making everyone feel welcome.
  5. Co-div KSI Silence 7 Co-div FI @KSI Silence 7 Silence has always been helpful in answering any questions a member has had. He also regularly joins parties and plays with members of the division. General KSI Blicky General Hellcat FI @REDNEB ISK Blicky on a daily basis is in parties playing with members of his squad along with other members. Despite trips to the hospital he has kept in contact with his squad, making sure he and his officers are able to keep ahead of any problems. Lieutenant KSI Greendayfox 3rd Lt Hellcat FI @KSI GreendayFox Greenday has constantly pushed the squad members to participate in weekend warfare and other events. She has also helped her squad by tackling several unique problems
  6. Gamertag/Forums name:KSI Bender / Isnana ISK Award: New member cert Evidence: completed training Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI AIRBORNE 7
  7. Category: Co - Founder Gamertag: KSI AIRBORNE 7 Link to forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/2037-airborne-7/ Reasons for nominating: Airborne is always willing to help with any questions posed by me or others. he also plays bery regularly with a ton of members which is extremely appreciated. most importantly airborne is always willing to chill in an XBOX party.
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