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KSI Jessii 77

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KSI Jessii 77 last won the day on February 7 2018

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About KSI Jessii 77

  • Birthday 05/29/1996

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  • Interests
    Tacos and Babies.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Jessii 77
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    KSI Jessii 77#6235
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    KSI JessiRedJet
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  1. I am head of marketing and also a new anchor and writer in the news department. Marketing (Me or @Nebula 7) News (@December 77)
  2. Award: Diamond Donor I donated $26 to the Spirit Week donation drive.
  3. How can I begin. When I joined EO, Papi was a Gen. But he had the knowledge if high up div leadership. He's incredibly knowledgeable and as a 7, is always available to talk to if I need help with something. He's a listening ear when I have questions or need to vent about being a gen, and he always has solutions or good advice when I need it. He's been a mentor of mine and there is no doubt that this man is more than qualified to get the OS level 2 award. To say he goes above and beyond is an understatement.
  4. True is amazing. She is punny, a good friend, and an even better person. She has amazing ethics and cares for everyone. But overall she is hardworking. In both clan and department ops True is a league all her own. She gets stuff done, and goes above and beyond to meet the needs she is addressing. I haven't known her long, not longer than 6 months, and she is already clearly one of the most amazing and intelligent female leaders I have ever met. She leads by example, and that example is extraordinary. She is a queen and I am honored to know her and call her a friend.
  5. When I transferred to EO shadow was already around. And I honestly sometimes question that EO would he the same without her. She is hardworking, cares about her members, and is very knowledgeable about every aspect of KSI, clan ops and department ops. She was member of the year in 2017 as well and I believe she fully deserves this award.
  6. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Jessii 77 Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Went to the workshop thingy and did the stuffs Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Skarzx 77
  7. Skarzx. This butt is one of the most helpful KSI cats I have ever met. He is kind, always available for questions, and intelligent. He knows his stuff and he's more than happy to share with those new and old. He is the epitome of helpful. I witness for this award without question.
  8. Gt: KSI Guyy 77 Forums link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41679-defiant-dog/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjM3Nzg0LCJpZF8yIjo3NjA2MjB9 Award: Outstanding Service Lvl 1 Reason: Guyy was one of the first people I met in EO when I transferred. I needed a fresh start and a friend told me the best place to find it was in EO. After meeting Guyy I realized my friend was right. Right from the get-go, Guyy was there when I needed him - no matter what. He was the acting General to the squad I transferred into. He answered soooo many of my dumb questions - I cannot even fathom how he didn't just ask me to div transfer again. But he motivated me to keep working hard through every frustration, every struggle - in KSI or IRL, and he believed in me. Because of him, I am now the general over that squad I transferred into. I know for a fact that Guyy is exactly the type of person that deserves this award - more than anyone else I can think of. Honestly, I am surprised he doesn't have it already. Guyy takes his job as a co-founder very seriously. He doesn't demand anything from his charges. And he would never ask us to do anything he would not do himself. This man - AS A COFOUNDER - Used to go recruiting with me, not because he wanted to, but because he knew we needed more recruits. He's a legend in my book. I claimed him as my mentor a few weeks ago, and I meant it.
  9. Name: KSI Skarzx 77 Forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42869-ksi-skarzx-77/ Award/achievement: Outstanding service level 1 Reason: Skarz has been around EO for wayyy longer than I have. When I joined, he was a co-founder in our division. He is now the founder, and this man is KILLING it. He's beyond dependable, hardworking, rule-following, and just plain peachy. He has worked amazingly hard to get where he is at. and there is no doubt in my mind that he will go above and beyond in any of his future positions in KSI. He is more than willing to pass out name changes, assist any member, and be around to answer questions when needed. If anyone deserves this award and recognition, it's Skarz. He embodies everything that EO has come to stand for.
  10. Senior Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Impyyy 7Link to forums account - @impyyyReasoning why they deserve this - Impyyy and I have known each other for a short while, but in this time, he has helped me with issues within KSI and outside of KSI. He really has taken the KSI community aspect to heart and is willing to not only be a 'boss', but a true leader by leading by example. KSI should really be full of Impyyy's. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Guyy 77Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41679-defiant-dog/Reasoning why they deserve this - Guyy has been by my side since the day I joined EO. There is no doubt in my mind that if something came up, and I needed help that Guyy would be there no matter what. Guyy puts aside any bias he has towards an issue and solves it. Period. You can count on him for the whole truth because he won't put up with anything else. As a leader underneath his mentorship, this can be incredibly frustrating, but also rewarding. I have seen him work on both the dept ops and clan ops side of things and to say that Guyy works his butt off for KSI would be an understatement. He truly cares about KSI and wants to see it flourish, and under his leadership, there is no doubt in my mind that it will. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI RomeLink to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44703-ksi-rome/Reasoning why they deserve this - Rome has been a captain in my squad since before I was gen and he is one hardworking man. He has helped me get this squad back into running condition and I know for a fact that if I am going to be unavailable I can count on him to keep Talon running smoothly. Talon was hitting a rough patch for a while there, but with his help, along with the help of my other officers, we are now the best squad in EO (I say this semi-biasedly)....
  11. Name: KSI Sinz Forums link: http: @KSI Sinz Award: Trainer Reasoning: As Sinz' gen I am proud to say not only has he met this award but has greatly exceeded the requirement in training 40+ members.
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