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KSI Eyonia 7

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Everything posted by KSI Eyonia 7

  1. ETERNAL SOULS Legionary Division: ES Team Captain 1. KSI SN1P3RB0552 Members 2. KSIxRaging24 3. Cola7667 4. KSI CycL0ne 5. KSI xMidnightx 6. Dubasquad2011 7. KSI KuroRipa 8. KSI PsychoKiwi
  2. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Got Em 7 Link to forums account - @KSI GOT EM 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - There is so much I can say about this man no matter how bad he is feeling he is always willing to help with situations or issues or even lend advice to us fellow 7's or members he makes time for his div members no matter how he is feeling. He always has the divs best interest in mind when it comes to every little thing running game nights for dying squads as well as keeping people active and even hanging with lower ranking members he has always been a role model for how I wish to be Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI WyldWynd Link to forums account - @KSI WyldWynd Reasoning why they deserve this - Wyld has been a mentor for me as well as use to be be my cofounder she is always willing to let you sit and vent pull you into parties just to check up on you as well as always makeing sure that your doing your job right. There has been many times where I have needed advice or needed someone to come help me when dealing with an issue she is usually ontop of most things in the div as well. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HaloFalcon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30991-ksi-halofalcon/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjIxMjY5LCJpZF8yIjo3NjcyOTV9 Reasoning why they deserve this - Every chance he gets he is always seeking out more knowlage as well as experience in his squad as well as when handleing issues I have been around when he comes into parties wondering what needs to be done or just to give updates on what has been done he is a great assest to his squad as well as ES Division I see him going so far maybe one day being Gen himself Always ready and willing to get meetings done or get people trained up very quick to respond as well as always seeing what else he can do to better his squad LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Cape Link to forums account - @FederalCape61 Reasoning why they deserve this - I do not get the privilage to game with this man because he is always here there and every where when his squad needs something done he is usually there and ready and willing to get it done as well as I always see him in parties with a bunch of different people and never the same ones most days he is quite the social person which is always appreciated by his squad as well as his officers. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -BooperDooper Link to forums account - @BooperDooper Reasoning why they deserve this -Since day one of meeting this guy he has always been a great guy to talk to a good overwatch player as well as always willing to game with just about everyone. He has turned into quite the spounge when it comes to KSI always ready to learn and asking questions every chance he gets as well as tries to get his hands on anything he can use to learn from. I see him going very far in this community at the rate he is headed right now.
  3. Member assistance Reason: this man has assisted in so many ways the most memorable are he is always willing to give the shirt off his back he has offered up his old head set for a member who's was going out as well as there has been many many times that I have come to him for advice on a situation or assistance in dealing with it or just to sit in while I handled it. And not just issues but meetings as well to put input into it that I may have forgotten. I have asked him question's and he was always quick to get back with me about them or walk me through how to find out the answers or who would be perfect to talk to. Mentor: He was one of the first people I met when I joined and since day one I have been learning things from him every day. I just recently became cofounder and he has taken me under his wing and taught me what it is to be a cofounder as well as well as has been a great role model for how I want to be as a leader from day one. He is always willing to take time out of his day to sit in a party and answer every question I have and I tend to ask alot I love to learn as much as I can lol. He is very pacient with everyone. I have claimed him as my mentor, to me I would not be here in this rank if it was not for him teaching me the ropes and mentoring me.
  4. I have a screenshot put apparently the picture is not the right size for the Forums and I don't know how to change that could I send it to your discord.
  5. Name: KSI Eyonia 7 Link to Forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43258-ksi-eyonia-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Twitch Sub Reason-/-Evidence: My twitch name is KSIEyonia and I have subbed to KSIlive.
  6. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Reapers2010 Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI reapers2010 Reasoning why they deserve this- At one point he was my right hand man in my squad when I was Gen since then he has decided to branch off and go over to squad that needed alot of help it was dying and since he has joined that squad and became Gen he has grown the numbers there is alot of activity the officer staff is growing and it has been amazing to see this squad grow under him he big time deserves this he is so hard working makes himself accessable to not only his officer staff but our Division as well. He took a big risk and it worked out big time for the betterment of the division. I see him mentoring some future Gens in his career in KSI. 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI BuMPer 7 Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI BuMPer 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy has always been such a great mentor to not just me but every one he comes in contact with he is always so knowlageable and ready to help everyone makes him self acessable to everyone and is always watching over for the protection and betterment of the Division when it comes to needing to find out if randoms are members to loseing sleep to watch over the div in the event of a lock down he is willing to sit down one on one and let you vent or just talk about concerns or even just to give advice there were many times I asked for advice when it came down to promotiomns or how to handle a situation he has been in KSI for 5 years and is pretty quick to tell you how things are to be handled and guide you throw it all. ==========================
  7. Gamertag:KSI Eyonia Division:ES Question: Are tomatoes fruit or a vegetable? (Give Booper420Dooper a shout out if possible)
  8. CaptainKSI DARK J3ST3R (3rd CPT - ES/Banshee) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34931-ksi-dark-j3st3r/Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy has gone above and beyond the call of duty I have been struggling with being sick and trying to manage the squad on top of my health issues and he has stepped up and don everything that needs to be done with out me haveing to ask or tell him to do it, as well as has asked many time what he can do or needs to do to help take a bit of the load off me. He has gone and touched base with members to check up on them as well as officers to keep up with them on there duties. I do not know where I would be with out him to pick up the slack when it is needed he will make a great Gen one day.
  9. I will definantly witness this there is so much I can say about tex she has always been such a support line to every one as well as myself there has been many days that I have needed advice about a situation or I want to learn about something and she has been able to set aside the time to help me or even just to be there to listen to my suggestions or concerns as well as to vent when I needed to she is always ready to game with anyone even the new rct's or just to hang out and talk. I really enjoy hearing stories about days in KSI before my time. She is such a joy to be around and always so welcomeing and ready to lend a hand and help.
  10. Keep up the good work love and keep your head up your going to go far I believe in you and I am cheering you on Love you baby.

  11. Category: Division Leader Gamertag; KSI TexAngel 7 Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33988-ksi-texangel-7/ Reasons they deserve this award – She has always been willing to pull people into parties to hang out or just to check up on people I know for me she has backed me up when I have been harassed by helping calm me down as well as not being judgmental. She is always prompt in her duties and is thorough when it comes to a case or issue by seeing all sides of the story before addressing the issues at hand. She has always been so welcoming since day one of joining and even with having so much on her plate she is ready and willing to jump into a game if someone asks to play something. Easily approachable and friendly. She always has the best interest in mind for every squad as well as every member. Category: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33988-ksi-texangel-7/ Category Director Gamertag; KSI Metatron Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33964-ksi-metatron-7/ Reasons they deserve this award – The first time I met him was when I had just joined and instantly was thrown into a harassment case he pulled me aside and made me feel welcomed as well as safe in the Division while getting my side of the story of what was going on after taking note what happened he ran with it always keeping me filled in on how it was being handled and still making sure to pull me in to game and talk and just have fun taking my mind off of everything going on. Since that day we are still close and hang out and game together he has moved to other Divisions but still makes sure to come back and check up on me as well as game with me and my party members he has mentored me in the past and has always been a pleasant person to be around and always open to talk or to just vent to he has always been a hard worker even with his busy schedule and drama. When he was over my division he was always mingling in many different parties and with many different people. Category: Captain Gamertag; KSI BuMPer 7 Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/17020-ksi-bumper-7/ Reasons they deserve this award – BMP has been a great mentor he is great at calling me out on things I have done wrong or need to fix but in a way that is respectful and still gets his point across I enjoy how he is straight to the point and never beats around the bush. He is a pleasure to talk to and hang out with as well as is always fun to bounce ideas off of, He always comes to a party with funny stories from the “Good old days” since he has been in KSI for four years he will well verse in all types of departments as well as squads and divs he is always ready to tackle a project or run with some of my crazy OCD ideas on how to keep our squad more organized and takes his officers options into account on more issues. The definition of a social butterfly is always willing to pull in new members as well as random people to game with and makes them feel welcome to game or just talk and hang out. I am not the only one who goes to him for advice or opinions on matters I have seen people from other Departments, Divisions and Squads come to him and sat in a party for hours having friendly debates. Always willing to help fill in for Tournaments when we need an extra spot or just willing to help out people when they need name changes. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag;KSI RabidHIV Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43149-ksi-rabidhiv/ Reasons they deserve this award – He has quickly become one of my best friends. Always there to talk to even when he hasn’t slept much. I have even messaged him before with a recruit and he gave up sleep to bring them into our wonderful community and made them feel like a part of the crazy family that we are. There has been a few cases where I wanted to give up or just seemed a bit off and caught how I was feeling and pulled me aside to ask me what was going on and how he could help usually by cheering me up with crazy memes or videos of cute and silly cats and dogs. He has been running a squad basically by himself as if he was a general already he has been training mentoring and making sure all his squad members are active and gaming together when it was just him and one other person he has been working so hard and never expects praise for it he trurly loves this community and puts in the work for it. Category: Co-founder Gamertag; KSI Got Em 7 Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29773-ksi-got-em-7/ Reasons they deserve this award – This man….gosh where do I start. On top of all of what he deals with on a daily basis in real life he takes on anything that anyone needs help with he is always helping build squads, training people, recruiting and making people feel welcomed. He is the second person I met in KSI and he did not disappoint I was welcomed from the beginning with open arms he has always been like a father figure for me always willing to pull me aside and check up on me when Adulting gets hard some days or handling issues when I am being harassed by a few new members. I have seen him game with people who don’t have many friends to game with or even pick up a game that not a lot of people play and play it with them or even teach members how to play Poker and take others hard earned lunch money. Even when he is not having a good day or is in pain he always seems to have a smile on his face and so much joy and laughs to spread.
  12. Name: KSI BuMPer 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/17020-ksi-bumper-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service Lvl 1 Reason-/-Evidence: BMP has shown outstanding service by stepping up and offering to mentor people or help someone find recruits by handing off his to those who need the experience. He is always willing to be an ear to listen in times of need or just give advice on a number of things KSI related as well as real life. He takes time out of his day to put in a few games with squad members even if it is not his game of choice. Offers to help other squads when they are lacking. He is always willing to sit and listen to you vent or just to keep you company. Name: KSI BuMPer 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/17020-ksi-bumper-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: In his KSI career, BMP has bought things for members on multiple occasions to help them out. Most recently he purchased name changes for 2 people in our division to thank them after participating in the Fall Classic with him. In the past he has purchased Xbox live Gold for people as well as game codes to help out people who were short on money. The gamer tags of the guys who were gifted name change tokens by BMP were Mythical Ajax who is now known as KSI Rednecks and xKarmaIsABx who is now known as KSI Daddy Karma
  13. Creeping on my profile again? Lol jk get better.

  14. When you first joined KSI did you ever expect it to be this successful as well as have as many divisions as we do now? Where do you see us going in 5 years from where we are now.
  15. Hey wanted to pop in and say hi and hope your doing good keep your head up and keep up the good work. 

  16. I GOT EM!!!!!!!! I am so glad your back. Take it easy and take care of yourself.

  17. I see you!!! Lol

    1. Ichigo HSSR

      Ichigo HSSR

      No you don't.  I'm merely visable.

    2. KSI Eyonia 7

      KSI Eyonia 7

      Lol that's the point silly.

    • Hoping everyone is having a good day and actively playing with KSI members and checking up on those under you if you need a cheer leader I always have an ear open to listen. Great job on keeping up with everyone and keep up the good work. I am going to be hosting a Forums workshop so if you would like to hear about the great things the Forums have to offer look me up I will have a time and date soon to add this for you guys. Hoping to get more people active in the Forums. Keep smiling and have fun.
  18. Want to give a shout out to everyone making spirit week possible as well as all the participants it's been super fun watching the matches and seeing everyone's love for KSI as well as there support over there devisions. I have met alot of people just this week alone and I'm already looking forward to the months to come. Want to give a shout out to ES as well as our devision leaders there epic the ones that I have met so far lol. Keep up the good work everyone. On to day four and Halo 5 good luck everyone and keep having fun!!!
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