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KSI Eyonia 7

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KSI Eyonia 7 last won the day on October 21 2022

KSI Eyonia 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Eyonia 7

  • Birthday 04/20/1988

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Games, crafting, Anime and movies.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Eyonia 7
  • Date Recruited
    June 15 2017
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Contact Methods

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    KSI Eyonia #6213
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  1. Gamertag: KSI Eyonia 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Eyonia 7 Award: Approachable award Reason/Evidence: I have won 6 days evidence on profile.
  2. KSI Eyonia 7 @KSI Eyonia 7 Award: Well Known Evidence: I have 6,644 Views on my forums page.
  3. KSI Eyonia 7 @KSI Eyonia 7 Award: Award Senpai Evidance: I have 70 awards
  4. Woot woot let's get it can't have bESt with out ES
  5. Wasn't sure because I only rejoined back in November on 2021 wasn't sure if my past stuff qualified till I hut 12 months do I just fill out a new post for it? @KSI DC 77
  6. Name: KSI Eyonia 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Eyonia 7 Award-/-Achievement: Fresh meat, rising star, and getting popular Reason-/-Evidence: I have met requirements check link to profile.
  7. Name: KSI Eyonia 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Eyonia 7 Award-/-Achievement: its my birthday Reason-/-Evidence: birthday is 4/20
  8. Happy birthday Luci!!!!!

  9. Division Leader Gamertag: KSI Gambit 7 (Div Lead/ES) Link to forums account - @KSI Gambit 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Since day one this man has always been there to give advice, let you vent of lift you up when you need the boost a little. He has had a rough time running ES when it was dying but knew what to do to get it running again. As well as he takes constructive criticism and other peoples thoughts into consideration on most of everything and that is what a true leader should do, he is the model of what a Div lead should be. Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI Chant 7 (Co-Fo/ES) Link to forums account - @KSI Chant 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - This man since day one has always had the best interest in mind for the members of KSI even if said issues brought to him were tough he has handled them as a co-founder should. His promotion was a long time coming but he has brought so many great things to the table when it comes to bettering ES, always willing to mentor and guide those in anything they may be struggling with as well as bends over backwards to be there for our members be is RL or KSI. General Gamertag: KSI BIKRQEEN (Gen/ES) Link to forums account - @KSI BIKRQEEN Reasoning why the deserve this - This woman there is a lot I can say about her but starters since day one of meeting her she has always had a bubbly personality and a welcoming demeanor. Knows when to ask questions or even for help I know she has been knocked down but always gets back up again because you can see that with her members she has alot to add to the table that is ES and brings an amazing light and protective umbrella over us. Always willing to lend an ear when you need to talk or just want that mother figure around to bounce things off of. Captain Gamertag: KSI xJoker 7 (CPT/ES) Link to forums account - @KSI xJoker 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - After splitting our squad I was unsure of who would be become my right hand as gen and so I told this man I needed him and he has stepped up in big ways I can always depend on him even with his crazy work schedule and life in general. He is never afraid to let me know when I am taking to much on and need to step back and let others take up some things, always reminding me that I am not running solo anymore. With that he has become my right hand and helps me handle issues I may not have the harsh tone needed for and I can truly vent and let go of the stress of day to day KSI with. With his squad he is always there for them for what ever they may need be it a phone call cause they are upset or an issue in KSI that they might need some advice on. He is also a great person so get maybe an old hats opinion or advice on. LT Gamertag: KSI MtnDewCR (LT/ES) Link to forums account - @KSI Franklin Reasoning why they deserve this - This man since day one has been so eager to learn, from doing research and studying to wanting to sit in on everything he possibly can to learn he has taken all this knowledge and ran with it. He has been running our docs for the squad so I can step back for it as well as helping us train the new SSGT and PO’s it was a bit rocky his first week but he took it in stride and came back ready to fight for his position and his squad his 2nd or 3rd week we split our squad and I have no idea where we would be with out him. Along with a brand new officer they hit the ground running and got 36 people transferred in 2 days and half the squad just in the first day. He is always jumping on things as soon as they are posted to be done very prompt and helpful as well I enjoy having him as one of my officers and see him going far. SSGT Gamertag: KSI BlkJesus (SSGT/ES) Link to forums account - @Black Jesus Reasoning why they deserve this - Now to talk about this man don’t let the gamer tag fool you because he is a force to be reckoned with. Even before becoming and officer he was already stepping up in big ways. From being a socialite who I could call upon when new members joined to being the man I could call upon when a member needed a protective person while me and my staff were in meetings and couldn't attend to them, I trust this man with my members and thats a big deal we have protectors in our squad for our younger ones or those that were harassed and this man is most definitely one, now onto him as an officer he since day one has hit the ground running always ready and willing for anything that needs to be done. Him and MtnDew tag teamed our transfers and he had just been promoted the day before never been an officer but was doing transfers like he had been doing them for years I have not seen that my entire career in KSI someone so adaptable and a very fast learner I can not wait to see where he goes from here. SGT Gamertag: KSI Helgrind (SGT/ES) Link to forums account - @KSI Helgrind Reasoning why they deserve this - This man is always asking how else he can help and step up as well as is always willing to game with people and hang out he has become quite the welcoming member of Kraken striving to be an officer he has been grasping for as much knowledge as he can and is on the right path to being an excellent officer in the future Im interested in where he will go he has a lot of knowledge to offer and teach others as well as has that protective side to him as well that has benefited members in our squad.
  10. Gamertag: KSI Eyonia 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Eyonia 7 Award: Server booster Reason/Evidence: I boosted Bane can Vouch for me. Gamertag: KSI Eyonia 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Eyonia 7 Award: Jack of all trades Reason/Evidence: I have all the education awards Gamertag: KSI Eyonia 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Eyonia 7 Award: Committed and Devoted Reason/Evidence: Venum (AKA Chad) @KSI Gambit 7 @KSI Chanting can vouch for me haveing the same gamer tag for about 6 years now.
  11. Host: KSI Eyonia 7 Leadership aspects workshop Date: 2/22/22 Award: Leadership aspects certification Attendance KSI 1ScaryS0B @I Am 1ScaryS0B KSI Jewels @KSI Jewels KSI Chanting @KSI Chanting KSI Dark rider0 @Dark rider 023 KSI DEMOTED @KSI DRKB1ADE KSI Harley 7 @KSI HARLEY 7 KSI Kaida @KSI Karma9922 KSI MercX KSI Punisher @KSI Punisher 1 KSI Swanny @KSI Swanny
  12. Also the identity crisis one please =^-^=
  13. Meta award I would like is all hail the pickle king also just noticed I'm missing the award before this one titled award hobbyist lol if this isn't allowed and need to make new topic for it let me know but just incase here it is. Name: KSI Eyonia 7Link to Forums Account: @KSI Eyonia 7Award-/-Achievement: Award HobbyistReason-/-Evidence: Sitting at 51 awards on my profile
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