Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ImPyyy 7 (CDM)
Link to forums account - @ImPyyy
Reasoning why they deserve this - ImPyyy is a huge help to all of KSI and without him here on these forums they wouldn't have the same magic feel that they do. ImPyyy is always on top of his departments making sure they're doing well and he also makes sure applications go through quickly and without an issue. Besides that, he has also helped set up the Fall Classic on the forums making sure that the banners are ready ahead of time and then putting all his effort into making the section organized. ImPyyy helps keep our departments great and active which helps keep KSI fun in return!
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI UNB0RN (Now KSI UNB0RN 7) General over Fierce WD
Link to forums account - @KSI UNB0RN 7
Reasoning why they deserve this - UNB0RN recently has had to deal with tons of drama from the younger side of Fierce and yet he stayed strong because he knew it was a squad he still loved. He understood why one of his Captains transferred to another squad in the division and was very accepting of the fact and held nothing against him and spoke well of the member. He has also fluffed Fierce twice in recent months and both times regrew the squad to 50+ members that are all very active.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kalakoi 77 1st Captain over Abaddon WD
Link to forums account - @Kalakoi
Reasoning why they deserve this - Kalakoi is a huge help to Abaddon. Kalakoi is largely behind the scenes a lot in WD and in Abaddon as he manages our division's discord server and updates it and makes it as useful and innovative as possible. As for Abaddon he helps our squad with brilliant ideas and with schedule plans and acting as almost a second general for the squad when we need it.