Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI iMeShell GEN - CD/Prodigy
forums- @iMeShellReasoning why they deserve this - KSI iMeShell has been a GEN about 3 months and within that time she brought a dead squad of only about 40 members back to about 85 members with a full officers staff, she keeps all of her members motivated and passionate about KSI and all that we do. She doesn't worry about getting promotions for herself she does whatever needs to be done to better the entire division. she created a discord server for informational use that has things like officer duties and responsibilities split up per rank, and other links to the forums and is constantly updating member throughout the division of upcoming events. KSI iMeShell is fantastic leader and one day will make a very promising 7.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xZIEIROx, 2CPT, CD/Prodigy
forums- @KSI xZIEIROxReasoning why they deserve this - KSI xZIEIROx is a very capable CPT is crimson dawn, he knows that he will be a GEN when prodigy splits and has already taken initiative to learn all he can about the duties and responsibilities of being a GEN which includes hosting squad meeting and helping out his GEN in anyway possible. He has also started training KSI AllstarRM17 in his duties and responsibilities in being 2nd in command in preparation for the future. This members uses his age and wisdom as tool to mentor the younger members in the community not just about KSI but about life skills and is received very well by all within the community, KSI xZIEIROx is a true leader within KSI.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI The Hero 1LT - CD/Empire
forums- @KSI The HeroReasoning why they deserve this - KSI The Hero showed up to KSI not to motivated about it but after being supplied with a gamertag change by a more senior member he quickly got on his feet and began recruiting and hosting gamenights with members that were not very active prior to his involvement with them. Hero doesn't get a lot of attention because he doesn't gloat about what he does for the division, but as one of his 7s I have definitely noticed he keeps the members of his squad and even his division active with gamenights and goes out of his way on many occations to help the members of the community. I can very easily see KSI The Hero becoming the GEN of his own squad one day.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI CRONOREX SSG - CD/Empire
forums- @ksi cronorexReasoning why they deserve this - KSI CRONOREX was a problem when he first showed up to empire CD when I was the GEN of the squad I even at one was debating about getting him a div transfer for yelling and threatening other member including leadership, but after having KSI The Hero work with him to become just a better member that other member enjoy gaming with KSI CRONOREX has completely changed and become a very trusting officer. He was given SSG on one strike your done rule and he has delivered on multiple front. He was very shy when he first arrived didn't want to talk to random people online. He has changed that completely becoming one of Empires top recruiters. On top of recruiting atleast 5 members a week he also hosts multiple game nights a week. If there is a gamenight going on with a game that some members don't have he will show the initiative and host a second gamenight on a more mainstream game to get other members in the division involved and active.KSI CRONOREX is going to be an amazing officer one day and possibly even a 7.
CD Cofounder