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  • Birthday 06/02/1998

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    Arkansas, USA
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    KSI Harambae#3687

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  1. Where do I even start with KSI ShadowFoxx? When she transferred to EO and eventually came to Vendetta, I had no clue she’d change my KSI experience so drastically. She has taught me a lot about being an officer and even at gen she helped me understand things that I was confused on. Nobody knew at the time she came to Vendetta but I was quite unhappy just in general and she completely turned that around by just being a good friend. I haven’t seen anything ShadowFoxx won’t do for someone. She gives so much time and effort to this community not only on the Officer side but as a great member. Always playing with new members and being there for anyone that needs her. There’s no doubt in my mind that KSI ShadowFoxx deserves this award
  2. Name: KSI ShadowFoxx Link to Forums Account: @KSI ShadowFoxxAward-/-Achievement: Committed Reason-/-Evidence: She has owned the Xbox Live Gold gamertag KSI ShadowFoxx and has been in the community for over twelve consecutive months through either department ops or clan ops.
  3. Team Captain: KSI HARAMBAE Division: EO Teammate: HoneyBooBoo101 Division:EO Teammate:KSIsoulofmadien Division:EO Alternate: KSI Magestic Division: EO
  4. Skarzx was the first person of authority I can remember meeting when I joined and he taught me everything I knew as an officer. Always answer all of my dumb questions and has always been an ear to listen.
  5. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ShadowFoxx EO/Rogue Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40861-ksi-shadowfoxx/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I’m a new Gen and Shadowfoxx has been the backbone of helping getting this squad through our split. She’s so reliable on everything and is a necessity to Rogue. Shadowfoxx is also supportive personally, when I lost a near friend she picked up the squad and ran it along with providing emotional help to me. She does all of this while also running tournaments and live-streaming events. Shadow is a force to be reckoned with and can’t be stopped in all of the good that she does and I massively appreciate her.
  6. where can you go on the forums to learn more about KSI?
  7. other then the obvious how can we protect our community?
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