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Scarface 77

Bamboo Black Ops Leader
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Scarface 77 last won the day on January 13 2021

Scarface 77 had the most liked content!

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    Streaming and Playing Xbox.
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    R.I.P Vendetta
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  1. Name: Skarzx (Formerly KSI Skarzx & KSI Skarzx 77) Link to Forums Account: @Scarface 77 Award-/-Achievement: Department HOF Reason-/-Evidence: The last or one of the last to earn Editor of the Year as well as being a streamer , editor, co-head and head of the department for a total of over a year. Mentored 2 future department heads in KSI Bane and KSI Meshell 7, and along with KSI Galahad, KSI Gary 7 (mentored me), and few others (sorry getting old) helped make productions try new things and had some success with montages and videos from events. Most know of my input into the department but I will yield to a team effort cause man it takes a village. Not sure who is still around to witness but I will tag a few people and leave it in the hands of the department. Hope all is well! @KSI Gary 7 @Bane 7 @KSI Airborne 7 @KSI MeShell 7 @KSI DaKeech @KSI Soap 7 on. Mobile phone so hard to find people forum names
  2. Not sure if I'm able to witness but if my time as a former KSI leader I can think of many people who would qualify for this award. Amongst them would be KSI Rogue 7. He has given blood sweat and tears into KSI admist personal life trouble, work related issues, heck even pandemic related issues and you will always see this man work. As his former leader I witnessed him do amazing things when others in similar situations would dial it back and step down, he instead soldiers on and works harder . Granted I have been out for a few months but his current rank is further evident that he continues to strive and be a leader. He is KSI incarnated and I wouldn't be surprised if he makes CEO one day if thats what he wants. So if you asking me if he qualifies for Die Hard, I think the description of the award is basically describing him fully. Lastly speak to any person who isn't in KSI anymore about Rogue and they will tell you exactly what I told you.
  3. Not sure if I'm eligible but here goes.... Romeo is a love hate type of guy, and if you ask a group of people the responses can vary. The reason why this is relevant is because when you think of DM you immediately get me with their battle hardened Divisional leader, Romeo 7. No one has stood for, defended and risked their career for their division than romeo. No matter what hit him or what disaster fell on his doorstep he is STILL there and playing with his members. Between losing friends; peers, 7s staff, generals, officers and members as well as some leaders, he is still here. When everyone was losing divisions and getting poached so bad they had to merge, he was still there. Any way you want to spin it this man is die hard KSI through and through. And you don't have to like him, but you will have to respect him nonetheless.
  4. Fake People have an Image to Maintain 

    Real People Just Don't Care

  5. @KSI xLittio @KSI DaKeech Education Graduate 201 Ct 201 Completed by KSI Skarzx 77
  6. Gamertag: KSI Skarzx 77 Forums : @Scarface 77 Award; Summer Time Scorcher Reason: Subbed to Twitch on 8/10/20 Screenshot sent to @KSI Starset 7
  7. CT 201 Award @KSI Harleygirl @KSI Mitch @Boootz @Ken Kaneki Attended all 5 classes hosted by KSI Skarzx 77
  8. I mean really a downvote on my profile Status. Grow up and get the facts before you do something like that. You would think you would know me a little bit better because you worked at my side but I guess not. I left on my own accord because of what I was going through.@Scarface 77 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Scarface 77

      Scarface 77

      Do what you gotta do man It's a gaming community and you making threats lol. Childish. 

    3. xKami


      Those aren’t threats? It’s just that you’re contradicting your very own education section and what you preach on a day-to-day basis. I’m done here. 

    4. Scarface 77

      Scarface 77

      Okay sounds good man. Thanks for stopping in. 

  9. I can attest through my access as Director and Forum staff that this member is an active officer in Clan Ops (SL) and a Join Moderator.
  10. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xRomeo 7 Link to forums account - @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy puts everything he has into his division, from time, effort, dedication to just overall caring for each and everyone of his members and officers. Anyone can get ahold of this guy no matter what he is doing and he will respond as soon as he can regardless whether he is at work, passed out , on Netflix etc. He consistently puts himself in the trenches with his division recruiting night, creating a new training program that he himself is very involved with, and just trying to make his division better. You cannot ask more from a leader of a division that what Romeo provides on top of his mentoring his 7's staff except Joe who is apparently his sensei lol. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Joe 7 Link to forums account - @KSI Joe 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - This is a tough position to nominate for so before i get into Joe's nomination i just want to say shout out to KSI DntAsk 7 and KSI Shockr 7 for their continued excellence and helping take great care of DM. Now onto Joe, this guy is a master multi-tasker who you can find recruiting for one squad, acting general of another and hosting training lessons for a different squad. He is arguably one of the if not BEST recruiters i have ever seen and even getting to Co-Founder did not deter his work ethic. This is not to say he is the only deserving Co-Fo out of even just DM but when you see someone have a one heck of a time period of great work ethic you have to acknowledge it. Joe is the Co-Fo of the month hands down! General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DrPepper Link to forums account - @KSI DrPepper Reasoning why the deserve this - This woman single handedly hosts workshops for not just her squad but for her entire division. On top of being a very active general, she is another leader who is in the trenches with her officers and always pushes them to be better along with herself. If you spend 5 minutes around her you can tell how much she cares and how much pressure she puts on herself to make her squad successful but she utilizes her chain of command in case she ever needs help. Very well spoken and hungry for more knowledge SOLELY for the purpose of teaching it to others. Will be adding to it shortly over time.
  11. KSI LycanBlut @KSILycanBlut Lead 101 Completed Lead 101 Attended all 6 weeks hosted by KSI Skarzx 77 and KSI xKing 77
  12. Forgot to tag u @KSI Starset 7
  13. To add on to the Educator Award Teacher's Aide - Host at least 5 CEP/Education Workshops (Need Evidence) It Takes 2 : Awarded to members who have at least reached the rank of General, more than once in their Career. (Must have proof and must have still been in KSI for the entirety of both stints as general) Exchange Student: Transferred to another division and received at least 1 officer promotion in new division.
  14. Valedictorian - Completed Lead 101 and CT 201 Burning Out - Been in the Rank of Co-Founder or Higher (Dept Ops & Web Ops equivalent ) for at least 1 years combined Burnt Out - Been in the Rank of Co-Founder or Higher (Dept Ops & Web Ops equivalent ) for at least 2 years combined Educator - Hosted at least 10 CEP/Education Workshops (Need evidence) Party Planner - Hosted an Event with more than 13 people (Game Night or Workshop) [Awarded to Host]
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