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craggle rocks

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craggle rocks last won the day on October 18 2018

craggle rocks had the most liked content!


About craggle rocks

  • Birthday 06/10/1977

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Gamertag
    craggle rocks
  • Date Recruited
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    last stike
  • Rank/Title
    2nd lieutenant

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craggle rocks's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Division leader Ksi akame 7 @KSI Akame 7 Akame has always been there for me keeping me involved in ksi and always there on the forums and on Xbox Both as an officer and as a friend Founder Ksi m3ntalist7 @KSI M3NTALIST 7 Always there for me makes gaming so much fun. He always makes time to chat to everyone and anyone and he really tries at paladins lol. He is there for most of my game nights even if it’s just to pop in and say hi. Thanks mate General Ksi x samurai general ls legend @KSI x Samurai Since joining legend samurai has really made me feel at home in the ksi community bringing me back from the verge of leaving altogether he includes everyone in the squad and encourages us to be our best every day pushing our strengths and helping with our weaknesses
  2. Okay so my last suggestion for the ever present award was shot down so could we have an award for someone that attends a game night 7 days consecutively?? Called the ever present award
  3. Hi so I have noticed some people turn up for every game night and every meeting I would like you guys to introduce an ever present award for attending 40 game nights in a week. I ant this award because we are trying to get more people involved in game nights and squad meetings the attendance for both is posted on the forums so it’s easy to police and I know members that have attended more than 50 game nights or meetings in a week to make it more achievable ( but more work for you guys ) we could have a bronze award for 20 silver for 30 and gold for 40. Let me know what you think
  4. Gamertag: ksicragglerocks(cragglerocks) award: new member evidence: none person that ran the workshop : ksi m3ntalist7
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