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TrippStarr13 last won the day on June 9 2017

TrippStarr13 had the most liked content!


About TrippStarr13

  • Birthday 06/29/1993

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    somewhere in the uk
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  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    LEFT KSI 09/17/2017
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  1. welp its finally that time i have been trying to hold on for a while now but its just time i do this i have officially left KSI 

    i would like to say im going to miss you all but that would be a LIE  no for those that i got along with and become good friends with yes i will miss you actually i will miss most of ksi to be honest just a few not so much 

    i dont hate any of you and i wish you all the best of look in your future and i hope each and everyone of you do well 

    i have had an amazing time here and its sad that i made this choice but trust me it was coming for a long time so you all have my contact information if you wish to keep in contact 


    well take care KSI. no hard feelings yeah ? 

  2. Ohhh found out I'm being sent over to ierland to work ... me is a happy happy happy TrippStarr 

  3. loneliness
    1. sadness because one has no friends or company.
    2. (of a place) the quality of being unfrequented and remote; isolation.


    IF you FEEL this way reach out to some one 




    Or if you feel that someone if down or lonely reach out to them befriend them 


    No one should go through it 

    Help each other


  4. so bored right now anyone want to party up ??

  5. Monopoly would make a for funny stream or you could do a probhunt
  6. what is on my mind .............. Food Games Sleep :P

  7. Gary 7 This member has mentored multiple members of this community such as myself. I classify her as my mentor .
  8. Karma has welcomed me with open arms and has helped me advised me and this member has mentored multiple members of this community such as myself. I classify her as my mentor .
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