Senior Leader of the month: N/A
Director of the month: KSI QueenJess 7 - Jess has had a ball over the past month. after merging 2 of her divisions together, she almost commands 3 flagship divisions, and no matter of how trivial the matter, she makes sure to answer all queries and questions posed by any member.
Division Leader of the month: KSIeisnehower 7 - although he has recently stepped down from the position, eisenhower remained a key figure to TW's growth. Always happy to game with any one in any squad, he showed great commitment to each squad and showed that he wished for eveyone to have a positive gaming experience.
Co-Division Leader of the month: KSI Vanished 7 - Making a new division is hard. Merging with another is harder. Vanished makes it look easy. he is Quick minded, sharp and very balanced in many situations. he is very knowledgeable in key aspects of making and running squads, and provides a large portion of his time to making sure that his leaders are ready for the next day.
Founder of the month: KSI Coden 777 - while he may act like a child sometimes, when it comes down to business, he knows exactly what is needed. Coden is very well thought out, as well as being an excellent CoD player. He knows when a crisis occurs and also when one can be averted, and devotes much of his needed time to train the Generals in what to lookout for in members.
Co-Founder of the month: N/A
General of the month: N/A
Member of the month: KSI TheChief05 - While very brash in nature, she has proven to be a large piece in Nitemare's squad. She has the know how and applies it accordingly to the situation. she has recently been promoted to 3rd Lt and has deserved it for her good conduct, kindness and work she has shown over the last month. a credit to any squad.