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x iPrecious

The Shadow Realm
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Everything posted by x iPrecious

  1. Unfortunately this one does not have the requirements to receive this award as gamer tag has not got KSI Prefix in gamer tag once have feel free to nominate this person again @KSI xKamikaze
  2. Verfilied GamerScore on account and has over the requirement gamerscore Hoarder:Yes
  3. Verfilied GamerScore on account and has over requirement GamerScore Hoarder:Yes
  4. Verfilied gamer score on all 3 accounts have over required GamerScore GamerScore Hoarder:Yes to all 3
  5. Verfilied all 3 accounts have over required gamer score GamerScore Hoarder:Yes to all 3
  6. I will be dropping my vote well I would say 100% that kingx77 is deffo a mentor of mine he help me become more knowledgeable on KSI and was always there to point out what I needed to work on he always would look after all the officers below him whilse DR was around and he would moviate all officers on doing the duties this amazing person I gladly claim him to be my mentor
  7. Keep the witnesses coming please and thank you
  8. Committed:Yes Dedicated:Yes devoted:yes
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