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That Guyy

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Everything posted by That Guyy

  1. I can and will attest to this personally, as well as hosting multiple events for EO as a whole offering up his own money our of pocket for awards which I have personally received which in turn again prove to this man deserving the helping hand award
  2. Name: KSI Skarz 77 Forums link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41679-defiant-dog/ Award: Helping Hand Reasoning: Wow just wow, the amount this man has paid forward to this division is incredible countless name changes given out within this division he will be the first one to be willing to give you the shirt off his own back he has gone above and beyond in many aspects.
  3. Name: KSI Skarzx 77 Forums link: http: @KSI Skarzx 77 Award: Mentor Reasoning: Skarzx Impact on EO has been insane the amount of leaders this guy has created are countless, even teaching myself a thing or two here and there I am excited to see everyone who has been mentored by this great guyy we we get the opportunity to claim here in EO
  4. Name: KSI True 7 Link To Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21248-truecifer/ Award: Bright Idea Reason/Evidence: The SYTYCW idea is one of brilliance and should be recognized as such its ever growing popularity is testament enough that True more then deserves this award. The SYTYCW has become a staple for us at the news team and am excited to see what the future will hold for this!
  5. GamerTag: KSI Grimshot 77 Award:Commited Link to Profile:http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39681-ksi-grimshot-77/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjM3NDI2LCJpZF8yIjo3NTYzNjh9 Reason they deserve this: Grims been slaying in EO for almost a year and a half under a KSI gamertag
  6. Category: Co-Division Leader Gamertag: KSI Ronin 77 Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33279-mr-karaoke/ Reasons they deserve this award - This man has had such a monumental impact in Explosive Outlaws it is unimaginable. This begins even before my time, redefining the standards of this division and creating a powerhouse of KSI. With the foundation built by this man EO has withstood it all and will continue to. The amount of growth we have had is largely due to him, we have and will continue this growth now that he is gone. That is true impact, instilling values and methods that still beat after you leave. That is a legacy and he by all standards will always remain one here in the halls of EO and has earned that. Mentor friend and boss, he does it all. Always willing to teach anyone who is willing to learn constantly going above and beyond in any situation. He will take any idea given to him and redefine it as a concept and a better one at that. One Of The Greatest Mentors Handling Poaching Within EO Always Stepping Up When Others would not Wouldn't blink to stepping into an Acting General Position even when told it is below him Setting New Recruiting and Officer standards that all of KSI should be humbled by Creating the Officer & Recruiting Notes Category: Founder Gamertag: KSI GrimShot 77 Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39681-ksi-grimshot-77/ Reasons they deserve this award - Throughout Grims time here in EO, he has become staple for us as a Division.You can find him on the Join/Rejoin section daily. Consistently and willing in all different sorts of parties of the members that make up EO. Well respected, and very knowledgeable using the experience he has obtained while going through the ranks. Also was the general of a squad that produced 2 current 7 staff members and 4 out of our 5 current generals not to mention the captains and LT's that were grown from his time running a squad. During which of all he remains his fun loving self, he his immovable when it comes to being emotionally compromised. He handles any and all situations with a clear and level head. I go to this man with any and all "sticky" KSI situations for this ability that I challenge anyone to compete for because he stands above all in this category. No better man than him for this position OTY. The “Rock” Of EO The Current Face Of EO Maintaining us on the forums Always looking to put the members first it's easy to lose this when striving for numbers and results he will be the first to remind and show you that KSI is about having fun with the people around us here in KSI Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI Skarzx Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42869-ksi-skarzx-77/ Reasons they deserve this award - Pardon my french but God damn. This man has redesigned the role of General and has done so in such a timely matter it's insane. When all us fails Skarz does not, he will one man army a squad and you can catch him laughing and joking having a good time while doing it. Never complains never asks why, he gets the job done. He has trained a multitude of officers and even current gens of EO without this man we would be nowhere near where we are now. Even now as a co-founder and acting General of Predator a squad we put off for dead, is now thriving and driving towards great things. No one else for this award. Splitting a brand new squad within 45 Days Training on Generals and some amazing officers Creating Fun new ways to enjoy game nights and creating new events for us divisionally Not to mention his achievements through Web-Ops along the way. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI MoonRev Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42436-ksi-moonrev/ Reasons they deserve this award - This guyy and myself have spent countless hours in parties and pms on other platforms dealing with the ins and outs of KSI and he has never faltered in his position whichever it maybe as an officer he instilled ideals into an entire squad that would humble anyone. 1st Class officer that would make any of us ashamed to even compere for the Title of Captain of the year. If we could take half of what he stands for a give it to every other division in KSI this place would be undoubtedly a better place for any and that call themselves KSI. Instilling new Values into the officers of EO Keeping a level head throughout all Hands Down One Of EO’s top recruiters Also one of its great mentors Impeccable Leader Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI DaQuestion Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43932-ksi-daquestion/ Reasons they deserve this award - DaQuestion unfaltering assistance in Vendetta’s squad split should be the envy of all. He put in amounts of work like I have never seen from the postion of Lieutenant .Has easily in his time been responsible for 25+ members recruited into EO. He was Predator’s go to when hosting, recruiting , handling issues within the squad etc. He has also impressed everyone here in EO with his ability to obtain knowledge and expand on it. He is now currently the General of the squad Easily One Of EO’s Top Recruiters Time Managements Skills Ability To Manage and Effectively Run a Squad Above and Beyond Always In Whatever Rank He Holds Category: SGT/SSGT Gamertag:KSI AphroRhys Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44530-ksi-aphrorhys/ Reasons they deserve this award -Aphro Aphro Aphro… What to say about you man.. This guy you can always find him cracking some sort of joke no matter the situation. He has the ability to make light of any scenario. Grinding his way from SSGT to now the top Captain of a squad. During his time of a SSGT directly under myself the amount of recruiting this guy did is unimaginable. Easily 20 Recruits in under 2 weeks. All along the way of learning the rest of his duties and taking them even farther than we could think. Ability to Control A Party's “Vibe” Great Recruiter Ability to Absorb Knowledge Category: Writer Gamertag: KSI Widow 7 Forums Account Link / http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30523-ksi-widow-7/ Reasons they deserve this award - Wow just wow.. The amount of work she puts into this team.. I came into news about a month or two ago VERY skeptical about what I was walking into.She motivates and inspires. I would now happily call News my home and have found myself not skeptical about the news team but optimistic. The amount of writing and editing knowledge she has shown me since I have joined this amazing team is incredible. Even to the point of walking me through her entire editing process at one point. She is the glue that holds this team together no matter her situation she is always in a fantastic mood and ready and willing to Help, Advise, Lead or talk to anyone about anything. All the while doing her own articles for us in the News department. Management Skills Time Management Leadership skills Motivational Inspiring Hardworking and Dedicated Department Head Gamertag: KSI True 7 Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21248-true-7/ Reason they deserve this Award: True 7 is one of the most inspirational leaders I have ever been lucky enough to have crossed paths with. The structure that is the News/History team is hands down one of the best I've seen it is run smoothly and efficiently. For anyone who understands how any article publishing system works understand that this team operates with no deadlines and a minimum of one article a month! Those are insane standards to operate a team on and somehow she does it flawlessly without breaking stride nor her confidence ever faulting. Her feedback on articles has formed me into so much more as a writer, a credit to this community and to the team. A credit to my success and all future success. Graceful and confident at every turn. Truly Inspiring to a current leader within KSI. Juggling it all and running the News Team to its max potential Knows all the ins and outs to writing and is always willing to go that extra mile to share and expand all News team members writing ability.
  7. I claim KSI Ronin 77 as my mentor, he has been my guide through it all and the amount of knowledge and insight he has provided to me on KSI and people mentalities overall that apply here and in real life. I'd challenge anyone to strive to become half the mentor this Guyy has been for me
  8. Division-Explosive Outlaws Team Capt-KSI Guyy 77 GamerTag- KSI Techz GamerTag- KSI Ecko 77
  9. Ronin's achievements, service, and dedication far exceed this award. He goes above and beyond so often it becomes a standard and that's how he operates, he redefines the standards creates new ones and sets the bar that much higher... In our time of both being EO, the things he accomplished are outstanding He has done it all and taken this division it places we couldn't have imagined going in the state we were in from facing poaching to just lack of officers/Gens he took that upon himself i repeat he did not delegate but took it upon himself to be an acting gen while running a division from the hands on all the way down to the clerical end of things by setting a whole new standard that even KSI should take an interest in with our Recruiting notes and Officer Notes that we use on the daily to better ourselves and those around us all in all and I quote Ronin himself "If I can be a stepping stone for someone else to do great things when I'm doing my job" though he has been a stepping stone for this entire division .. As a guyy, i consider my mentor the things I've learned from this man are insane from the little things all the way up to more complex things of people mentalities and growing squads he showed no discretion when it came to mentoring any and everyone Started with me as a Sgt which from a div leaders standpoint I was nothing more than just another guyy I can't even put into words all of the immense progression he has brought to this division and I personally wouldn't have the dedication and drive for KSI I have today if it was not for him
  10. Format Team Captian GT: Other Players GT: Two New Recruits GT: Your Least Favorite God
  11. Division:EO Squad: Defiant & Vendetta Names: KSI Guyy & KSI Papi77
  12. Os Lvl 1: I can attest to this in a multitude of ways. Ronin has been a mentor to me for about 4 months of my ksi career and the amount of tangible knowledge he has to offer is outstabding and has helped me through many ibtresting scenarios. Also when eo is down he is the first person to be the one to fix it ie becoming temp gen over talon and cultivating it and finding a new gen to take that spot where as that isnt his quote unquote his responibilty.. Also as select few people may be aware eo has been subject to some poaching and harassment issues he has been in each squads parties assisting on how to get in front of said issues directlybworking with us to resolve said issue
  13. Co-Division Leader KSI Ronin 77 (Co-Div Leader/EO) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33279-ksi-ronin-77/ Reasoning why they deserve this- Where to start this guy has done it all, he's been a mentor and a teacher also been the guy who yells at me when I'm in the wrong there is no way I'd be anywhere near if at all where i am today. This guy is never afraid of any challenge no matter how steep or how full his plate is and he always comes out with better results than anyone would have ever expected. KSI and EO is lucky to have him and he will take us great places. Founder KSIxPapi77 (Founder-EO) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28985-ksixpapi77/ Reasoning why they deserve- Primal has been an amazing founder as a big recruiter ive worked alot with him due to the fact he runs the recruit tag hes on the tag daily always avaliable for any questions and concerns i have and always willing to work with when i need. Primal has also always been been the guy to point me in the right direction when i seem to be lost or heading in the wrong direction Theres no better guy for this award Genral KSI Gr1msh0t29 (Genral-Defiant/Eo) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39681-ksi-gr1msh0t29/ Reasoning why they deserve- Oh man, where to begin with Grim weve come along way, when Grim became Gen of Defiant there was little to no activity with a very little officer staff that could have cared less, 4 months later we hoping to split soon, Grim and I have had alot of fun nurturing and growing Defiant, which doesnt come without late nights stressful situations aggrevation and frustration but it never got to Grim one of the most level headed guys i know and i also know Defiant wouldnt be the squad it is today without him.This guy right deserves it above all else. LT KSI Skarzx (Captian-EO/Defiant) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42869-ksi-skarzx/ Reasoning why they deserve- Though very recently promoted to Captian the amount of work this guy put in during his short amount of time in his LT spot is amazing from recruitments promotions and constantly learning always asking questions and always wanting to grow and so better for not just the squad but for our division. Everything he tackles he does with confidence and always the happy go lucky attitude this if phenomanal and there is no one else for this award Member KSI MoonRev (Ssgt-EO/Defiant) http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42436-ksi-moonrev/ Reasoning why they deserve- though new to the officer staff this guy has done some amazing things as a simple CPL always been to enforce the coc no matter the situation, an intelligant and very personable guy and since he's taken an officer position he's taken it in stride always asking questions and superseding all expectations
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