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That Guyy

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Everything posted by That Guyy

  1. Gamertag: KSI Skarzx 77 Award: Mad Max & Die Hard Forums Link: @Scarface 77 Reason he deserves these awards With all the trials and tribulations EO has seen from the word go Skarzx's with us he has always placed himself at the forefront of all the insanity this Division has alone created I could go into a million countless scenarios that are appilicable but i have personally witnessed this man lose his sanity over KSI nonsense in this last year and is still standing here before us providing service that is above and beyond. Some more applicable things being: We were poached from KSI.com last year LNT this year in January while he was an acting General His former Gen and right handman and best friend a former gen and cofo leave and cripple the squad Lost his own built squad Predator a squad he played a heavy hand in creating. Now most recently TSB has taken a very heavy intrest in us, having DDOSD the majority of our 7s staff myself included aswell as a good number of our members flooding our discord poaching ya know the as what we are beginning to view as the norm
  2. Helping Hand: I have personally witnessed this man put money forward for this division as far as from giving out names changes for those who have proven worthly to chipping in to assist with divisional events (grow by 20s) or div wide tournments Trainer: I have from the get been working directly with Grim and in our time in Defiant him as Gen I can attest to him training 30+ individual's Memeber Assistance: On more than one occasion more the 100 occasions has Grim answered my thousands of questions to all things KSI as a fresh Gen I had thousands of them he was more than willing to take extra time of of the day to show me the way Also lol dropping my vote to witness Thanks guys
  3. KSI Guyy 77 KSI Skarzx 77 KSI Moon 77 Alternate:Open All EO
  4. True is one of the most inspirationals leader and person I have ever been lucky enough to have crossed paths with. The structure that is the News/History team is hands down one of the best I've seen it is run smoothly and efficiently. For anyone who understands how any article publishing system works, understand that this team operates with no deadlines and a minimum of one article a month! Those are insane standards to operate a team on and somehow she does it flawlessly without breaking stride nor her confidence ever faulting. Her feedback on articles has formed me into so much more as a writer, a credit to this community and to the team. A credit to my success and all future success. Above and beyond all what stands out to me most about True, is her dedication to this community. You can set her back in any form but her ability to rise to the cause and continue her dedication is outstanding. KSI comes with many daily frustrations especially in any seat of leadership no matter the area or title. The testimony of a good leader is the ability to persevere through these frustrations with level head. True far exceeds these expectations. Since recently taking her into EO to further invest herself into this community she has done nothing but surpass expectation. Not to mention the many areas of KSI in which I think she has made a very notable presence in: AAP News History Join Mod Performance Operations KSIglobal.org Senior Leadership Demonic Mayhem Explosive Outlaws Lead Class Forums Moderator Graceful and confident at every turn. Truly Inspiring to a current leader within KSI.Running the News & History Team to its fullest potential Knows all the ins and outs to writing. Is always willing to go that extra mile to share and expand all News & History team members writing ability. A mentor and a friend to many in KSI. True is a mentor and a friend she is someone I look up to and some I can look across to when things get difficult around here. True's name is know throughout this community with major influences with all. Her time in EO if it ever does come to an end will never be forgotten. Everyone she meets is touched in some form or another her presences and knowledge is shared by all and quite frankly I believe she has become a token of this community.
  5. Name: KSI BooyahMonkLink to Forums Account: @KSI BooyahMonkAward-/-Achievement: Committed For the 17 months I have resided in KSI and in EO I have known KSI BooyahMonk and he has yet to falter his standing as KSI BooyahMonk
  6. As I have personally sat in on Karisuar host 10 + workshops and countless squad meetings and gamenights I have first hand experience with her answering General questions for her squad mates when it comes to TnE events how the forums work even with the Education Program rolling through I have sat in parties where she explained in depth even more complicated topics
  7. Gamertag: KSIxPapi 77 Link to forum account: @KSIxPapi77 Award: Member Assistance Reasons: Wow I can personally attest to this man being a fountain of information when it comes to anything KSI and he has had the answer for me more times then I can count, sometimes even when I dont want it !
  8. Gamertag: KSIxPapi 77 Link to forum account: @KSIxPapi77 Award: Trainer Reasons: Through looking through thousands of EO profiles doing Hundreds of security checklists I can personally attest to him training 30+ members in his time here
  9. Gamertag: KSIxPapi 77 Link to forum account: @KSIxPapi77 Award: Committed & Dedicated Reasons: Primal has held a KSI Gamertag for a whole 3 years!!
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