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  1. Like
    KSI xGHOST21x reacted to KSIxRONL68x7 for a status update, ABADDON is the best squad.   
    ABADDON is the best squad.
  2. Like
    KSI xGHOST21x got a reaction from xKami for a status update, Lets keep those recruits rolling in ABADDON!!!! This has got to be the greatest squad   
    Lets keep those recruits rolling in ABADDON!!!! This has got to be the greatest squad in all KSI!!!
  3. Like
    KSI xGHOST21x got a reaction from xKami for a status update, Lets keep those recruits rolling in ABADDON, you guys are doing a great job, keep it   
    Lets keep those recruits rolling in ABADDON, you guys are doing a great job, keep it up
  4. Upvote
    KSI xGHOST21x reacted to KSIxRONL68x7 for a status update, Lets keep growing ABADDON.   
    Lets keep growing ABADDON.
  5. Upvote
    KSI xGHOST21x reacted to KSIxRONL68x7 for a status update, WD is the best division in KSI   
    WD is the best division in KSI 
  6. Like
    KSI xGHOST21x got a reaction from xKami for a status update, Happy New Year to all KSI   
    Happy New Year to all KSI

  7. Upvote
    KSI xGHOST21x reacted to KSIxRONL68x7 for a status update, ABADDON is coming back.   
    ABADDON is coming back.
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