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The Shadow Realm
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Everything posted by PHIL0S0PHY

  1. This is a great way for leaders to share all of the events, thank you my Starlord
  2. Eventually everyone will realize I'm the wrong one to have faith in. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PHIL0S0PHY


      Didn't expect anyone to see this. I'm not feeling well. Thank you

    3. KSI Havoc 7

      KSI Havoc 7

      i hope you feel better man, for good and the bad, we got you :)

    4. PHIL0S0PHY
  3. Name: KSI IrishSaintzLink to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45552-ksi-irishsaintz/Award-/-Achievement: MentorReason-/-Evidence: due to his leadership and knowledge many members have grown to be great leaders. These people will post as witnesses.
  4. I would like to see an interview with KSI Widow7, because history will soon be splitting from News I would like to see an interview with KSI Ghandi 7 and or KSI Havoc 7 about Performance Operations because it is gaining a lot of steam. I'd like videos of Fuzzymeep explaining the origins of KSI.org I'd like to see debates(friendly and supervised of course) on the channel, about how to split a Squad or Division, the differences of how to lead, and all such things. I'd like an interview with KSI Rags on his thoughts on web ops, his plans, and such I'd like an interview with KSI Ace 7 and KSI Jessi to discuss KSI's plans for finances and marketing. I'd like to see videos of conversations between Fuzzymeep(or other BoD) with other community leaders, such as leaders of XGN of DHG, or whatever (as long as we are on good terms with them)
  5. Gamertag: KSI PHIL0S0PHY7 Division: DW Comment: Who was the initial person who thought of spirit week? When did spirit week start?
  6. They also completed basic training, but they have not received the award.
  7. Gamertag: KSI PHIL0S0PHY7 the 0s are zeros Division: DW
  8. On Wednesday 23rd of May, I will be hosting a game night on Rainbow Six Seige at 7pm est. It will be a very enlightening Experience for all participants, and it will be a life changing experience, and it will be the greatest experience you will ever have!!
  9. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI DarkAngel 7 & KSI xShock 7 Award Basic Training and Train the Trainer Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Participated and and attended Basic Training Profile Link if possible Dark's http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/24315-ksi-darkangei-7/ Shock's http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/22724-ksi-xshock-7/
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name KSIxChowder Award Basic Training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) He attended and participated in my basic training workshop Profile Link if possible http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/46163-ksixchowder/
  11. Possible titles: Workshopper, Certifier, Teacher, educator Requirements: Be the PO workshop host for 25 members who have PO certifications Can be more, possibly 50,
  12. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Irish Alan Award: Basic training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) He participated and attended my Basic training workshop Profile Link if possible: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45845-ksi-irish-alan/
  13. According to my knowledge yes, it was his idea. It may have changed since it's first inception, but everything does.
  14. Name: KSI xKamikazeLink to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41056-ksi-xkamikaze/Award-/-Achievement: Bright IdeaReason-/-Evidence: This is his suggestion for what the Community section became.
  15. Team Captain: KSI HysteriaVI Division: DW Teammate: KSIxNebula Division: DW Teammate: KSI Mud Jug Division: DW Teammate: Maxbrock2018 Division: DW
  16. Team Captain: KSI Skychild Division: DW Teammate: KSIxChowder Division: DW Teammate: KSI Finisher Division: DW Teammate: KSI xShocK 7 Division: DW
  17. Ok thanks, sorry for the trouble
  18. Name: PHIL0S0PHYLink to Forums Account: @PHIL0S0PHYAward-/-Achievement: Spirit Week ParticipantReason-/-Evidence: If it's recorded, I was in the Karaoke challenge for 2016 on Twitch
  19. Name: PHIL0S0PHYLink to Forums Account: @PHIL0S0PHYAward-/-Achievement: Twitch SubReason-/-Evidence:
  20. My old account could not be recovered Is it possible to get my old rewards? Not including the post count and post likes, I'll just get them in time. I had: Trainer Mentor Member of the month Member assistance Train the trainer Helping hand Head Hunter
  21. I'll witness. Gary has lead DW, formerly LW merged with DR, into a great thriving division. Gary became the leader of LW at a time when it wwas in a bad shape, but he kept it stable through to the time it was merged with DR, which was a completely dying division. Since than his members has grown drastically. His trained and competent officers has grown drastically. The Unity and member retention are at an all time high due to his leadership. Obviously it is not him, but he is a major key. DW is a heavy competitor in the divisiosal cup, due to his leadership in ensuring competency, activity, and always promoting the forums and department ops. He has trained and put together a dream team of divisional and squad leadership.
  22. Do you think there are any beneficial ways for the L.E.A.D and Performance Ops to Co-operate and work together?
  23. I've seen some people with the award "Officer" how does one get this award, I didn't see it in the awards list.
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