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KSI Pilot

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About KSI Pilot

  • Birthday 07/15/1997

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Pilot
  • Date Recruited
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KSI Pilot's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Blue974 @KSI Blue974 Award Squad leadership workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) hosted by me Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name KSI IrishEmu @KSI IrishEmu Award Squad leadership workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) hosted by me Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Boootz @Boootz Award Squad leadership workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) hosted by me Profile Link if possible
  2. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - SSgt KSI Blue974- Vanquish WD Link to forums account - @KSI Blue974 Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Blue deserves this nomination simply put. He’s a hard worker, his dedication is none I’ve ever seen aside from myself! Before being promoted to SSgt he was eager to start helping out with officer duties and gathering everything he needs to succeed as an Officer. I am very proud to have him underneath me!
  3. My shoutout goes to @KSI Blue974 before being promoted to SSgt he has put in a lot of work of an officer! He has a lot of ambition and has stepped up to the plate when requested, he has a lot of drive and I’m glad to have him as one of my officers that I can rely on!
  4. Good luck everyone may the best Division win!! Go WD!!
  5. @KSI Starset 7 I sent you a message on discord!
  6. Name: KSI Pilot Link to Forums Account: @KSI Pilot Award-/-Achievement: May the 4th Be You Reason-/-Evidence:
  7. Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI FirePoker @KSI Double DIP (KSI JohnWick) Award Train the Trainer certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) members attended workshop for train the trainer that i hosted Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI FirePoker @KSI Double DIP (KSI JohnWick) Award Forum Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) members attended forum workshop Profile Link if possible
  8. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Thash Award - Basic training certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) : i hosted a basic training workshop Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Thash Award- Train the Trainer certfied Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) i hoosted a train the trainer workshop Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI FirePoker @KSI Double DIP (KSI JohnWick XBGT) Award : Basic Training Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) members attended basic training workshop hosted Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI FirePoker @KSI Double DIP (KSI JohnWick) Award Squad Leadership Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) members attended squad leadership i hosted Profile Link if possible
  9. Name/Gamertag: KSI Pilot Link to Forums Account: @KSI Pilot Award: meta award Ripple effect- Call Of Duty Reason/Evidence: I have more than 10 awards I currently sit at 11
  10. @KSI Uppish well considering I’m in the canadian airforce might as well support the Airforce with that supplement award!
  11. Name: KSI Pilot Link to Forums Account: @KSI Pilot Award-/-Achievement: Legen-, Spring Break 2020 Reason-/-Evidence: I've attained atleast 5 awards, I also have participated in the spring break forums.
  12. Name: KSI Pilot Link to Forums Account: @KSI Pilot Award-/-Achievement: Spring Chicken Reason-/-Evidence: April 2020 Donation
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