Gamertag (All FORMER GT USED) - KSI Kamikaze708, KSI xKamikaze
Division Applying For - DW
Awards Earned -(While in DW)
Lieutenant of the Month
KSI Mentor
Captain OTM: Divisional
Outstanding Service Lvl 1
Captain of the Month
Bright Idea
Monthly Member Spotlight
Squad Splitter
General OTM: Divisional
Pro Recruiter
Master Recruiter
Testimony why they deserve it -
While in DW I believe to this day is what shaped me to be the leader I’m today. Through hard work and dedication I started on a journey to make a impact on the community and the place I called home. I definitely had a different approach then others with member retention and making DW a positive place for members to enjoy.
While moving up the ranks in the officer staff I got to work with some great people who influenced me to work hard in the community everyday. With all the work we achieved together as a TEAM we ended up splitting Samurai into Paladin. Those still in the community KSI xKing 77, KSI Venum 7, KSI Bane 7, KSI Ronin 77 KSI xBrownie and KSI DeSquid are the few that can witness for me in this Nomination.
I will leave the rest in the hands of the witnesses I have tagged: @Mr. King 77 @VENUM 7 @KSI D3Kr1pt3d@Bane 7 @ThaHomieRonin @KSI xBrownie