Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) KSI xTheKing (General - DW/Samurai)
Link to forums account or @ mention - @xTheKing 7
Reasoning why they deserve this: He deserves this award for always being available when there is a question. He keeps the squad active and motivated and is always letting squad members know what needs to be done next. He is also encouraging us and setting the example for our squad. Even after his long days at work he gets the job done.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) KSI Gary 7 (Founder/DW)
Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI Gary 7
Reasoning why they deserve this: This guy deserves this award for his on going dictation to DW. He holds the division to great standards. He works tirelessly to get his work in the division done on a daily basis. He will also jump into parties to make sure everyone is doing alright and will jump into some games with us. I see great things ahead in his future with KSI.