Senior Leader
KSI FuzzyMeep 7 (CEO of KSI)
@I am FuzzyMeep™
Reasoning why they deserves this-
Fuzzy Meep 7 deserves rhis because of his continued diligence with KSI as a whole. He is always quick to answer any questions that are bought before him and always makes everybody feel great about themselves. My last time through KSI he even sat down with me and let me talk about everything I was going through and gave me great advice on how to make things better. Thank You Sir for all of your assistance.
KSI Ronin 77 (Director - FI & DW) -
@Mr. Conversation Era
Reasoning why they deserve this -
KSI Ronin 77 deserves this award because of his never give up attitude. He has helped DW grow in so many different ways. He has also made me a better leader within the community because of all the advice he has shared with me. He just recently got promoted to Senior Director and I cant wait to see what he helps to implement into KSI next. Thank You Sir for your help and Assistance. Co-Division Leader
KSI Gary 7(Div Leader/DW)
@KSI Gary 7
Reasoning why they deserve this -
I already know that you are online right now so you will get a notification any second. KSI Gary 7 is a very active member within the division. He is always available to take care of anything that is going on in the division or answer any questions members might have about the community. He has worked very hard to get where he is today. He is making goals for members to achieve on a weekly basis. He just recently got promoted to Div Leader and I cant think of one better person for that Position. Keep up the great work bro.. Founder
KSI Havoc 7 - Founder/ DW)
@KSI Havoc 7
Reasoning why they deserve this -
Havoc 7 is a great leader within the community. Everyone knows if you are having a bad day or just have any questions, he is the go to person in the chain of command. He is always coming to game nights and hanging out with members in the division. When it comes to Member Retention this guy knocks it out of the park. He is always thinking of new ways to get more members involved in the community. Keep up the great work.
KSIxNebula (Gen - DW/Hannibal)
Reasoning why the deserve this -
Like a small boat on the ocean, This is my fight song. This is just a example of the memories I have had with Nebula. He is a great leader and doing a great job at building his squad from the ground up. This guy deserves more credit then he is given. He goes above and beyond the call of duty and also answers questions for everyone in the community. Just recently he has started hosting motivational workshops in our division and is doing a great job at rising our divisions morale. Keep up the great work bro.
KSI Bane (4CPT - DW/Hannibal)
@KSI Bane
Reasoning why they deserve this -
KSI Bane deserves this award for the activity in his squad. He is always streaming and trying to get members involved in KSI events. Bane was promoted to CPT last month and since then has really stepped up to the plate. He is also becoming more active on the forums and with Marketing. He is always available to help in his dept with Weekend Warfare as well. Keep up the great work bro.
KSI LeedlelLee16 (4CPT - DW/Samurai)
@LeedleLee 16
Reasoning why they deserve this -
KSI LeedleLee16 has done a lot of things since she has come into KSI to make Samurai a better place for everyone. She is always throwing game nights and getting members together to meet new people within the community. She just got promoted this last Friday to 4CPT and has gone above and beyond when she was a LT. I can't wait to see her next move in KSI and see nothing but a bright future for her.
Forum Staff
KSI xKing 77 (Co-Founder - DW/Join Area MOD)
@xKing 77
Reasoning why they deserve this -
KSI xKing 77 deserves this award because of his diligence with all the join apps he has approved in the past to make this community stronger as a whole. He has also had conversations with me about how much he enjoys making sure that these potential members are the right fit for KSI. Keep up the great work.
Department Member
KSI Harmony 7 (3LT - DW/Hannibal)
@Nikki Cola
Reasoning why they deserve this -
KSI Harmony 7 has joined the News Team this month and is already producing some great articles. She wrote one on the Pubg and I truly enjoyed reading it. I cant wait to see what she writes about next. I see nothing but good things in the future with her on the News Team.
KSI RENAlto (SSGT - DW/Samurai)
Reasoning why they deserve this -
KSI RENAlto has done a great job on stepping up to the plate the last couple of weeks. He has been recruiting, training and focusing on member retention in Samurai. On Friday RENAlto got promoted to SSGT and I cant wait to see his next move in KSI. Keep up the great work bro.