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Everything posted by xKami

  1. I’m going to have to put a witness statement in for Hatter. When I first met Hatter as she would say something about first impressions. My first impression of her was a very kind hearted and caring role model for all of us. She was assigned in doing my spotlight for the month. She knew all the right things to say to get the right kind of responses from me. She is a great interviewer. Moving along the road and working with her on the news team was also a great experience for me. Any question I had or if I wanted to get something implemented even if I knew it was a long shot, she tried and got back to me either way. From my personal experience she is also the type of person to reach out to you if she feels you are having a bad day or just need someone to talk to. Thank You for all that you do for the community and I will always be a friend. I hope nothing but a very bright future in KSI and I can’t wait to see your next move. Please don’t pick apart my statement and spell check it please.
  2. Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Division: Divine Warriors
  3. @KSI BRUNAN 7 Can you witness for @KSI T1GER 77 getting 30 or more trains?
  4. (Co-Founder) KSI Tiger 77 (Co-Founder - WD) Link to forums account - @KSI T1GER 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - This KSI member has reached out to many people in the community and it really shows that she cares. She is willing to play any types of games with anyone and reminds me of the reasons we all came into the community in the first place. Always putting members in front of herself and really isn’t that what a true leader does. I cant wait to see where she goes in the future with KSI. My hats off to you. (Forum Staff) KSI Nebula 7 (Marketing Head) Link to forums account - @Nebula 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Nebula 7 has worked very hard in the marketing dept since day one. I’ve worked with him in the dept on many different projects and he always puts his best foot forward. Just a little bit ago he got his well deserved promotion to head of Marketing. The prime example that hard work does pay off. I can’t wait to work with you in the future and the sky is the limit.
  5. If you ever can help somebody that is in need don’t hesitate to do so.

    Quote of the night!!

    Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others. -Danny Thomas


  6. Gamertag: KSI Tiger 77 Forums: @KSI T1GER 77 Award: Trainer Evidence: KSI Tiger 77 has trained over 30 members from her journey from SSGT to Co-Founder. @KSI BRUNAN 7
  7. Hello Friend. Just thought I would stop by and say What’s up?

  8. Bring some GTA 5 back to Happy Hour is my idea. Some of the side games in my opinion can be really fun to watch and of course play!! This is a great idea as well!!
  9. The point of this post is to find new ways to bring divisions closer as one. I’ve tried many things in the past. LFG Divisional discord Server and this section. Please post your suggestions below.
  10. Thank you so much for reaching out to me when you didn’t really even know me. I had great time getting to know some of the members in your division. If you ever see me by myself or you need one more. Hit me up. Mad respect.@KSI T1GER 77

    1. Awoken Lucifer

      Awoken Lucifer

      <_<.......sneaks you some icecream..

  11. Suggestion for a award for the number of followers you have on your forums account and:or the number of times your account has been visited. This in my opinion would increase forums activity. Award name is up to you.
  12. KSI is a community that has touched so many people’s hearts and bought so much joy to many. KSI is a big machine with a lot of moving parts and in a big machine things can get lost and you can find yourself stuck on a shelf or not being prioritized or feeling like your becoming someone else but remember having a community that is so prudent and kind as KSI is a great thing even if it comes with its challenges.


  13. I can witness for this. I’ve been in many parties with Nebbi and their is nobody quite like him when he starts being a “Drama Queen” over getting killed. If anybody deserves this award it has to be him.
  14. Let me know what you think.

  15. Today’s Shoutout goes to KSI Harmony 7

    Keep up the great work you do for the community. Thank You for always being there with a open ear!!

    I appreciate you.


    1. Nikki Cola

      Nikki Cola

      Thank you, my faithful friend. I appreciate you. 

  16. Today’s Shoutout goes to KSI Greenday 7.

    Keep up the great work you do for the community. When you hear someone’s name across all divisions, you know you are working your ass off. 

    KSI Greenday 7 we appreciate you.


  17. Today’s Shoutout goes to you!! 

    Keep up the great work you do for the community. When you hear someone’s name across all divisions, you know you are working your ass off. 

    KSI Greenday 7 we appreciate you.


    1. GreendayFox


      Thank you Kam I needed that right now <3 

    2. xKami


      No Problem!!! Give correct where it is deserved!! Hope things get better.

    3. xKami
  18. I can witness for this. I remember playing dark souls 3 with @KSI FadeZ 7. All I remember is the moment I started getting sort of good at the game. You know killing bosses by myself and not needing his help as much. Well what does he do he pulls out his level 110 or whatever and shows off in front of me. All I Gotta say is that fire was cool. I correct myself FadeZ. Very sassy.
  19. @December 77 definitely deserves this award for the way I met him for the first time on the forums. I was just minding my own business and getting opinions about the topic Once KSI Always KSI. Everything was great until Mr. Drama Queen had to post. I will always remember him for the way he inserted himself into the conversation. That's one thing you have to give him credit for though. He doesn't hide his opinion which I love about him. Drama Queen - Yes. Your, Your, Your going to get this award if I have to market it all over the place.
  20. I first time I met Bane was when I was in Samurai last year and it feels like I've known him for years. He is always inviting members to Game nights and workshops through out the division and not just concentrated on his squad alone. He makes everyone feel welcome. We both have a type of trust for each other that you don't often find. If he ever has a question or just wants to get feedback about something he will reach out. One of the first projects Bane helped me was in News and Marketing. I was tracking the participation points for DW and doing the Weekend Warfare recaps. Everything I had a question about like who attended and who won he was there with the answers. This was great because it gave me a jump start on my articles when I would come home from work. He has also helped make the Community Events section a better Thread. After Samurai split and Paladin was created, Bane came over from Hannibal to give the squad a very appreciated helping hand. Coming in as a 4th LT he quickly came back up to a 2nd CPT. Anything I ever threw his way he always gave it 110%. The patience to go through a whole squad tag and make a excel file to make sure there were not any mistakes on bio and location and/or any blacklisted/security risked members. This file was also used to make sure everyone was active. This was a period of my life when it got very busy with family and work and without him I believe the squad would have failed altogether. Bane just recently got his 7 in productions and became the General of Samurai. I can't wait to see your next move in the community. Keep up the great work bro.
  21. Sorry about that I didn’t see it. I would like Airborne’s Legion. Thanks for the heads up.
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