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#Toxic Mods
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Everything posted by xKami

  1. HeadHunter: Yes to All
  2. Sign up for Halo 5 2v2 Swat today!! Do you have Clips or Montages you would like to share with the Community? So Do You Think You Can Write? PO Discussion of the month. Also check out the Calendar for Streams and Events. http://www.ksiforums.org/calendar/ If you have any questions about any of these please feel free to message me on the forums.
  3. @December 77 Looking back at a post from May it looks like we now have you verify “Clip Commander” on Twitter. Please post a link or screenshot to verify. Thanks.
  4. Round of Applause: Verified Yes @KSI Sarutobi Which Staff Award would you like? http://www.ksiforums.org/awards/ Please scroll down to Staff Awards on the link and pick which one you would like. Update: @Airborne Member would like “Scotland's Jacobites” as the Staff Award.
  5. Legen: Yes Staff Award: That's so Fetch
  6. We will use this topic to see how many members want to get together to do the Raid. As we already know 8 members are needed and I would love them to all be KSI. Please drop your Gamertag below if you are interested and at least 490. We will consider a date when we get responses after a week.
  7. Legen: Yes @KSIUppishB592 Please pick a different Staff Award. Veriithots has been retired. http://www.ksiforums.org/awards/
  8. Name: KSI ragingone86 Link to Forums Account: @KSI RAGINGONE86 Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence:Member has a gamerscore of 43010 https://1drv.ms/u/s!AusnvdyhYnl_kz2pAEGH6nH8wFR7
  9. Name: KSI Alfablot Link to Forums Account: @KSI Alfablot Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence:Member has a gamerscore of 31330. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AusnvdyhYnl_kzyO85owu-wjpNgi
  10. Team Captain: KSI xKamikaze Division: DW Teammate: KSI Turtl3s Division: DW Teammate: KSI x Brownie Division: DW
  11. Hello Trouble!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xKami


      Just got my upper Wisdom teeth pulled today.

      They have been bothering me for awhile. Lower were pulled a while ago.


    3. KSI DarkAngeI 7

      KSI DarkAngeI 7

      Oh wow. Hope the healing goes well. 

    4. xKami


      Just not hoping for dry socket and I will be fine.

  12. Name: KSI Harmony 7 Forums: @Nikki Cola Award/Achievement: OS1 Reason/Evidence: Sometimes we have to sit back and ask yourself how things are over looked. It has caught me by surprise on how this member isn't holding OS1 when I have it myself. This member is always putting her best foot forward when real life isn't blocking her path. I can't talk about her when she first came into KSI but I can tell you what I know best my own personal experience. She is a legend at video games as well also even though she will never admit it and willing to share her knowledge. This member is always in party's with members throwing game nights and trying to be a Mentor to those who are looking for the information to excel in KSI by hosting workshops. When DW was in its prime I worked side by side with her even though I wasn't even in her squad to figure out who needed which workshops so those members had the resources to succeed. I have always looked forward to the articles that she writes for the News Team. I truly believe she is one of the best writers that the department has. Always counted on to get information together for major events within the community. She has been a huge staple in helping DW to the divisional cup with pushing events and getting more people involved by leading by example. She also got the award on the forums for OTY Runner-Up 2018. This member also reaches out daily to members to make sure their day is going well. Awards and Accomplishments. Co-Founder OTM KSI Mentor OTY Runner-Up 2018 Approachable Friendly Pave The Way Good Karma On Point Rebounder Forum Addict Helping Hand Write Right Ice Breaker Committed Member Assistance Trainer 7's HeadHunter HeadHunters Sniper Forge Team Gamerscore Horder This is what great member retention looks like and I believe this member deserves OS1.
  13. Gamertag: KSI Gary 7 Forums: @KSI Gary 7 Award: Nirvana Evidence: KSI Gary 7 has over 500 Rep
  14. Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Link to forums: @KSI xKamikaze Award: Forums Addict Reason: 1,000 posts
  15. IOS all day for me. Android has always been a pain for me. Apps just work that much better on IOS.
  16. Award - Committed Forums account - @KSI x Rogue Evidence - She has held a KSI gold tag for more than a year.
  17. A day or two after DW was created Havoc was brought in to help us achieve better things. He hit the floor running and since day one he hasn't looked back. I was a little confused at first because little did I know he was still trying to recover his old account. I have heard many great things about him but my own experience is why I'm writing on this OS3. I was just starting to come up the rank structure when he came in and as a person I knew from day one he was here to make a difference. Havoc is all about pushing yourself a little bit more each time. This way you don't become overwhelmed and at the same time feel like you have accomplished something bigger. He started by giving people goals to see if you could finish them by the time they were due and kept track. If you didn't met your goal he would meet up with you to see what happen and tried to implement a better way to achieve them. With anything in KSI follow up is always key to success. He has always treated everyone equal and knows the line between Friends and KSI so favoritism would never come into play. Havoc is also all about time management. He has always tried to get with members in a timely matter and I honestly do believe his discord is always blowing up with questions. As I became a LT in DW I started to go to workshops and enjoyed the way he hosted them. Everyone in his workshops were engaged and nobody was ever left be hide. Fast forward a couple of months and Havoc was making his way to Founder of the division. This is the point where I knew he was a very trusting person. My conversations with him never went any where and If he ever had to deal with something he found the right way the approach it. The creativity of this member of the community is off the charts - from his drawings to the little things he puts together to show that everyone matters in the squad and without them none of this would be possible. Now as a Divisional Leader, he is a acting general over a squad and not forgetting his roots. He is now spending his time teaching the members below him once again because like he always says "You never know what will happen in the future and always have a backup plan". He still does all the things I've talked about before along with PO and HR. This member is always in parties with members for game nights and meetings. He is the prime example of member retention in a division and I don't think anyone even comes close. The number of times he has been sick or just feeling himself to make time for what needs to be done. Havoc look at me!! We appreciate you and everything you have done to make KSI as a whole better. I know I'm only scratching the surface of all that you have done. I can't wait to see where KSI takes you next and I'm happy to say that I've enjoyed the ride with you.
  18. Team Captain: KSI Taywick 77 Division: WD Teammate: KSI xKamikaze Division: DW
  19. Tuesday sounds great. Let’s do this.
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