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#Toxic Mods
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Everything posted by xKami

  1. Spring Chicken - Yes Additional proof sent to me.
  2. KSI Grifful 7 can you verify that KSI DC7 has Recruited (or aided) 120 recruitments while you were in SL. @KSI Grifful 7
  3. Novice Recruiter - Yes Pro Recruiter - Yes Jack of All Trades - Yes
  4. Member Assistance (3/3) Verified - Yes
  5. Division Leader KSI xTiger 77 (Division Leader - WD) Link to forums account - @KSI Tiger 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Here is to the one person who let my voice be heard and stood by my side while giving me the confidence to get through anything that was standing in my way. She understands what it takes to make members feel welcomed in her division and she may not even see the great things she brings to KSI. Always doing to right thing in her heart even if she knows it’s going to be a headache for the rest of the month. Always making sure she listens to both sides of the story before jumping to any conclusions. This is where most people look away because they don’t want to ruffle any feathers or choose not to bother because they think the problem will just go away. She understands that you can’t let things fester because eventually it will just blow up in your face. She now stands tall through the closing of the month with new goals that she would like to see the division to achieve as a whole. This division I now have called home for the last year has become my best experiences in KSI. I know she is thinking as she is reading this that I made my own experience but with the crutch that she let me borrow before I borrowed it to someone else I continued my KSI experience and I have her to thank for that. When you get the knowledge reach back, pull someone else forward, each one, teach one. Aspire to make a difference. #Heart & Soul Co-Founder KSI xRogue 77 (Co-Fo - WD) Link to forums account - @KSI xRogue 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - So Rogue is a huge support system for myself and her whole division. She knows when to let someone have a teachable moment and also knows when to just completely step in. She has always shown me respect since the first day I walked into the division from DW. To this day she steps up to the plate and recruits for whatever squad needs the help at the moment. When a issue comes up in the division she is quick to jump in and put out the fire with her thinking and attention to detail. I can honestly say that this member never forgot the experience of coming up the ranks because the respect to the person below her is off the charts and she is not about rank, everyone is treated the same. Thank you for all the trust you have shown me and for welcoming into your division with open arms. You will never know how much this experience in KSI has meant to me. It’s members like you who made me remember what KSI is all about. Keep you the great work!!
  6. Novice Recruiter: Verified - Yes Pro Recruiter: Verified - Yes
  7. First Step - Yes Spring Chicken - Yes
  8. Keep the drama statements coming.......
  9. GamerScore Hoarder - Yes
  10. 2020 Donor - Yes Spring Chicken - Yes
  11. KSI is a community that has touched so many people’s hearts and bought so much joy to many. KSI is a big machine with a lot of moving parts and in a big machine things can get lost and you can find yourself stuck on a shelf or not being prioritized or feeling like your becoming someone else but remember having a community that is so prudent and kind as KSI is a great thing even if it comes with its challenges.

  12. The story all begins when she put in her rejoin application. I was running her application and she decided she wanted to come over to WD. This was one of those defining moments when I realized that I could still do my job as a join moderator and still earn the respect from someone. After she came into WD and the questions started on how to become a join moderator and I was ready to teach her. I explained to her to ropes of the area which lead to her putting in the application to join. This is where all the questions started. If she had a question she would ask to make herself stronger and stronger. She would never give up no matter what she was going through. As she started to get a better feel for the area is where she really started to take off. She knows when the share something with the team as a teachable moment so when it happens to them they will be ready. When the applications are pouring in she steps up to the plate and gets applications done in a timely matter. This member is also apart of Clan Ops and Department Ops. On the Clan Ops side of things she made it up the Captain position by sharing her past knowledge as a seven and hosted workshops like I’ve never seen before to give the knowledge to members coming up the chain of command. On the other side of things is the News Team where she can be seen on the news website for the great articles that are getting posted up. Once again with that never give up attitude. We all have ruff days but what defines us is where we are now. Thank You for everything you have done for KSI and trusting someone you really only knew as the person that made you cry on your rejoin application.
  13. Name: KSI osoma Link to Forums Account: @KSO osoma Award-/-Achievement: GamerScore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Member has GamerScore of 36,969 https://xboxgamertag.com/search/ksi-osoma
  14. Name: KSIAcereaper Link to Forums Account: @Acereapertank Award-/-Achievement: GamerScore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Member has GamerScore of 45,017 https://xboxgamertag.com/search/ksiacereaper
  15. Name: KSI Blackwolf 5 Link to Forums Account: @Ksiblackwolf5 Award-/-Achievement: GamerScore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Member has GamerScore of 26,375 https://xboxgamertag.com/search/Ksi-blackwolf-5
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