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KSI x Mute

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Everything posted by KSI x Mute

  1. Gamertag: KSI x Mute Division: Wicked Destruction
  2. Division(s) - ES Team Captain - KSI x Mute Gamertag of team member - KSI x SM0KE Gamertag of team member - KSI DJ K1LL4
  3. 2nd captain- KSIxShadowWolf Specter ES Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40034-ksi-dj-k1ll4/ Reasoning . i nominated KSIxShadowWolf because he mentored me to become the best officer I could possibly be. He's very helpful and I can always rely on him when I have questions or problems. He never gets mad or frustrated with my questions even though sometimes my questions get very dumb. He's a very great mentor and cpt. He's extremely reliable. (Mobile device)
  4. General - KSI Jewelx - Specter ES Gen Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35456-xjewelx/ - jewel has been a very good general to me and the specter squad as a whole. Jewel is very friendly, kind, motivational and inspiring. (On mobile device)
  5. Hi... I'm active I'm a SSGT 

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