Co- Founder:
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI x Angel 7 (Co-Founder) -DR)
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Reasoning why they deserve this: Angel has been an amazing Co-Founder, she,s always making sure both of her squads r running the way they r supposed to, she,s always helping in any way she can, she will answer answer any questions that u have, she goes way above and beyond on her tasks, if u need any help with anything she will be the person to help u, she works really hard at her rank and u can always count on her.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKudi (CPT) - DR)
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Reasoning why they deserve this: Kudi has been an outstanding Captain he's always making sure the squad is meeting all the recruits, he's great at recruiting and completing his tasks, he's one of the best working officers I have ever seen in this community and he still goes on to impress me, he's always around making sure all the other officers r up to date and r meeting their requirements he really deserves this award he's a really hard working and if I need him to do something he doesn't hesitate he does it, he doesn't wait until the last second he gets it done right then and there he's a great officer and I am proud to be his gen.