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KSI Hype1shot 7

The Shadow Realm
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KSI Hype1shot 7 last won the day on October 26 2017

KSI Hype1shot 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Hype1shot 7

  • Birthday 09/03/1999

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Burns flat OK
  • Interests
    Going to college, become a game designer, graduate from college, and start a YouTube career.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Hype1shot 7
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
  • Rank/Title
    Co Founder (T&E Staff Member)

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    KSI Hype 1shot (Co Founder) #8338
  • Kik

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  1. KSI Hype 1shot Divine Reign (DR)
  2. ii m new here  looking a group xbox one




  3. Co- Founder: Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI x Angel 7 (Co-Founder) -DR) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38618-ksi-x-angel-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this: Angel has been an amazing Co-Founder, she,s always making sure both of her squads r running the way they r supposed to, she,s always helping in any way she can, she will answer answer any questions that u have, she goes way above and beyond on her tasks, if u need any help with anything she will be the person to help u, she works really hard at her rank and u can always count on her. Captain: Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKudi (CPT) - DR) Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43450-ksi-xkudi/ Reasoning why they deserve this: Kudi has been an outstanding Captain he's always making sure the squad is meeting all the recruits, he's great at recruiting and completing his tasks, he's one of the best working officers I have ever seen in this community and he still goes on to impress me, he's always around making sure all the other officers r up to date and r meeting their requirements he really deserves this award he's a really hard working and if I need him to do something he doesn't hesitate he does it, he doesn't wait until the last second he gets it done right then and there he's a great officer and I am proud to be his gen.
  4. Whoever see this someone fix this man's days! He has not even been in ksi for a full year!

  5. Co-Founder Gamertag - KSI x Angel 7 Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/38618-ksi-x-angel-7/ Reasoning y she deserve this- Shes been a really great as a co founder shes always on top of things when something needs to be done it gets done, she is also helping another squad on getting all the fluff and getting more members back in the squad bc they lost a lot of members within their squad and she is doing an amazing job on helping picking them back up and getting them going again. Lieutenant Gamertag- KSI Mk19 Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40296-ksi-mk19/ Reasoning y he deserve this- Mk has been a really good officer hes always on top of any situation that comes up making sure other officers r doing there jobs and doing his as well he's helped me out a lot when I need him to do something he does it he has gone above and beyond as a LT and when an officer misses something they where supposed to do he picks it up and gets it done I beli9ve he deserves this. Co-Division leader Gamertag- KSI Commander 7 Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21998-ksi-commander-7/ Reasoning y he deserves this- even tho he is r co division leader he is also r leader and founder he deserves this hes been working really hard on everything making sure the division is running well clearing all the recruits that r sent to the recruit club and being there when we need him hes a great leader and idk where this squad would be without him.
  6. KSI Chicago is my mentor an a good one to
  7. GT: hype 1shot Division: Dr Do I like pie: Yes!!
  8. I changed my name to KSI Hype 1shot

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