oh boy.. my homie king..
oh boy when i first met king he came over in es as a P.O when i was just hit SSGT legit king reached out to me wanting to help ES as while obs he did when he came here BUT since he was the P.O for es i legit asked him to become my mentor since than hes been showing me the ropes form SSGT to Gen i couldnt see es where it is today if it wasnt for him and hes one of the few leaders i look up to in this community and hes one of the best one's there is.
king has been up and down the rank time and time again now hes the Dir over in WD making sure things are running the ways it should and hes one of the best ones that the community has i couldn't see WD or even ES where they are now without the homie king even tho king next hes the join / rejoin mod head legit if king wasn't here helping us in the join/ rejoin dep in every question i have or anyone form the join area does even tho king isn't apart of ES i will continue come to him for advice for either my KSI clan ops career or advice for my squad legit this guy has helped me so much and has been a major part of my KSI career theres only a few people i trust in this community and this b***h is one of them hes more than a member for me a homie but i could keep going on
just know my respect for this guy is high and one of the ones ill legit keep coming to even if hes not in my div he has a big further ahead of him and i cant wait to see what comes up for him