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KSI ShadowFoxx

The Shadow Realm
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Everything posted by KSI ShadowFoxx

  1. How can you get yourself more involved with the senior members?
  2. what advice can you give to members looking to be more involved in our community
  3. EO Team CPT: KSIsoulofmadien Teammate: KSI POWERS 7
  4. Category: SGT/SSGT Gamertag: KSI Magestic Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/43918-ksi-magestic/ @KSI magestic Reasons they deserve this award: I have never seen a member so excited to learn or teach people then KSI Magestic, since the day he joined KSI he came to me and asked me and any type of leadership he knew to teach him all I knew about KSI and its history. KSI Magestic may not be the best recruiter but he is always going and messaging our members never letting anyone feel left behind or lost in the wind. KSI Magestic is always willing to play with new members and teach people all of his knowledge. I can see amazing things coming from this member! Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Igan o7 Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/13923-ksi-igan-o7/ @KSI Igan o7 Reasons they deserve this award: Earlier this year I believe back in March KSI Igan o7 brought DM to Discord after his personal squad was so large that they were in two different KIK chats and he seen a problem. He went to his leadership and threw out the idea of Discord a gamer basic chat, which has no limit as far as my knowledge goes. After bringing DM to Discord and seeing the amazing turn out from it having the division able to communicate with each other, he helped create a server or assist with settings for CD, LW and LS. Giving the other divisions the information on how to create their own servers such as EO. Just from his one little idea that was originally for his division now I believe every division is now using discord and same with all the departments. With out him we would still be using KIK and struggling to keep in touch with all our members and having all the information to keep this community as amazing as we all see it to be. Category: Department Head Gamertag: KSI BadKitty 7 Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/40631-ksi-badkitty-7/ @KSI BadKitty 7 Reasons they deserve this award: A little bit ago T&E lost our head due to which ever reasons and I seen a few people freaking out and not knowing where T&E will be going but without a beat Kitty stepped up and made many people forget about the member who left. The weekend warfare that came up right after Kitty made sure it ran super smoothly and lets not forget about the big event that just passed Turkey Bowl, Kitty was on top of everyone making sure that we had people at their events and that everything was starting on time. When member’s are not doing their jobs or showing up to their event’s Kitty has now put the pressure I feel that T&E needs and one strike in a sense. All in all KSI BadKitty 7 has kept a department that became lost stronger then ever and I see nothing but amazing things from this department and lets be honest she shouldn’t just be a co-head anymore because I have never seen so much motivation in a department then the motivation she has brought to T&E Category: Writer Gamertag: KSI Guyy 77 Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41679-defiant-dog/ @Defiant Dog Reasons they deserve this award: I have never met someone so annoying with asking us to do the short stories or whatever this months new “So You Think You Can Write”. Even though I personally am not the best with writing/spelling he has made me want to give it a shot and see what I can come up with. He is always willing to give a member a hand with the challenge of the month if asked. Guyy is very supportive and I don’t see News being where it is at with out him. Category: Graphics Gamertag: KSI Kiht 7 Forums Account Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/18-kiht-7/ Reasons they deserve this award: I have never seen someone so driven in graphic’s, everytime I go and take a look at the graphics page I always see KSI Kiht 7’s name either with him trying to help people figure out the best photo to represent the request or with him posting the actual work. This is just one of many reasons why KSI Kiht 7 deserves the Graphics award.
  5. Ronin was one of the first people I met when transferring over to EO, He right off the bat was super friendly and gave me a new beginning. He would/will always be the first person to invite me to a party to hang out even though he has moved on to bigger and brighter things defiantly never leaving a person behind. He is always willing to carry my low leveled butt threw destiny and never complains or makes me feel like a burden. Ronin has done so much for EO and has helped it grow positively with new tends. I don't think anyone in EO will ever forget him. He helped out the division when things were looking hopeless and saved them from being poached and whenever the division was in lock down made sure every member left safe and fully understood why it was happening and how to avoid any unneeded stress. Ronin has made an outstanding let's call it a book on how things in KSI works terms promotions ect. something he didn't need to do but went out of his way to complete for the better of the people he cares about and a community he loves. Just from his actions you can tell that this isn't just something he does out of boredom but because he has a huge passion for it and has personally inspired me to become a better member.
  6. Rainbow Six Seige EO KSI ShadowFoxx
  7. KSI Mpliers 7 has impacted me on a personal level as well as a professional level from day one it didn't matter what rank I was He would always keep jumping into my parties and would always making sure I was enjoying my time in KSI, I remember when I was doing my very first promotion someone from CPL to SGT and Pliers hopped into my party to see when I was up to and I told him I was going to be doing a promotion so as the wonderful leader he is he told me he would be right back, I assumed that he was going to be leaving the party when all of a sudden my party was maxed out with 7's from Co-Founder to Seinor Director.... It made me feel so scared and like I was going to mess up (I did because I was nervous totally said the wrong year, I think we went into the future) Pliers laughed with me on my mistake but didn't discourage me from continuing to do more promotions, because of him putting me in a situation where I was out of my comfort zone it made me become a better leader and forced me into a place where I would need to be if I wanted to go any higher in KSI. Whenever I was going to be doing anything from streaming a game night to hosting a meeting Pliers would always come in when he could to show his support. He didn't only show me the love of this community but also the passion, loyalty and support joining KSI gives you. I know I am not the only person that He has gone and done any of this to or for but because of his dedication he made me follow him with the passion of KSI and now KSI is apart of my daily life and I don't see a day where I won't feel this way just because of him going above and beyond what it means to be in KSI. Also because he brought all the 7's into my party with the now SGT, the SGT and I both got to see that just because someone has a 7 in their name doesn't mean you need to be afraid to speak to them because they are here for the same reason we all joined in the first place, to have fun. They will not judge you but support you and help you become the best you can be, and that is one of the many things pliers has done for me personally.
  8. Happy Birthday!!

    1. KSI HarleyQuinn

      KSI HarleyQuinn

      thank you sorry i missed this message .......happy birthday to you too...

  9. Team Captin - KSI Zamasu Division - DM/WD Gamertag- KSI Messy + KSI FaIIout
  10. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bearded 7 WD/DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31064-ksi-bearded-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this- Bearded 7 has gone above and beyond what it means to be a director from doing his duties as such rank to being there for members on a personal matter. Bearded has never made a member feel too small to come to him for a problem or personal advice. He is almost always available if you need him and will jump into your meetings/workshops/game nights to show us that just because he is the Director doesn't mean he is too busy for us. He has shown me what it means to be a leader in KSI and a better person over all. Bearded has shown many members that the 7 in his name isn't to be feared but that it means knowledge and that knowledge is something he will pass on to anyone that would like to have it. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bixby 7 DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/28830-bixby-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Bixby has always been one of the most helping members in DM since the day I joined Bixby has always been right there to help members become the best they can be. He is always willing to give advice on how you could better yourself and even if you are in the wrong he will sit there with a cool head to explain the situation to you, he has never once made a member feel as if they have done something so wrong that it couldn't be fixed. Bixby is always there for the members in his division and will jump into parties with lower ranking members just to ensure that the members know that he is always just a message away. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gambit 7 DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39176-ksi-gambit-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Gambit has always been the member you can go to and just sit back and relax with or get into some serious gaming with. He is always pushing the Gen's in DM to become better and when he see's a member needing assistance he is right there to help. He goes above and beyond to help his members in any sense he can, from helping learning the ropes to becoming an amazing recruiter. Gambit will always make sure that any member knows they can come to him for help without feeling like just because he has a 7 in his name that they are not worth his time. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Joe 7 Cruelty DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/6549-ksi-joe-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Joe has shown many people what it means to be a Gen, he is always there for his squad and keeps them active. Joe is always willing to keep all the members in DM active with each other making sure everyone knows that just because we are in different squads doesn't mean we can't play together. Joe has made DM feel like a big family and each squad as cousins. Joe has thought his members the ropes of KSI and never leaves a member behind. Joe is an amazing leader, everyone of the members in his squad look up to him with the brightest of eyes. He is truly an inspiration to other gens within the division Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Igan Discord DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/13923-ksi-igan/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Igan is such an amazing member in DM, He is always coming up with great idea's to help out not only the Division but the whole community. Igan is always there to support the members in his squad and will show his support to the other squads as well. Igan has given so much information to lower ranking members in order for them to become amazing members within the community. He will always make time to be there for you in anyway you need it but never steps back in his duties almost as if somehow he has more the 24 hours in a day. Igan is an inspiration to all members within our division
  11. Igan, you must eat if you don';t I will go fly to the land of Kangaroos slap you steal a red foxx and get on a plane and fly to Canada 

  12. Hello dear, I am the Gen in Savage it's nice to meet you

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