Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ImPyyy 7 - BOD
Link to forums account - @impyyy
Reasoning why they deserve this - ImPyyy is more then likely the most approachable person I have ever met in KSI, he is always willing to get down with the lower ranking members and is always up for some RL. You need someone to do heists in GTA V? Message up ImPyyy! Need a 3rd for some COD WW11? Ask ImPyyy!!! Even if you get him killed while he is holding the flag for your team to win he wont hold it over your head.... It doesn't matter to him where he is in KSI this is still a fun place to play with all members and personally that is a trait that I love about him and feel ever member should have. ImPyyy has gone out of his way to make the members he hangs out with to feel at home and personally has brought back the love for KSI to me when I was going threw a hard ship in personal life and my life in KSI, without him I wouldn't have ever been able to be called "member of the year 2017" because I would have given up a long time ago, I am very happy and lucky to have met a leader so full of passion even if he is mean to me because I am Canadian.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Magestic - 2nd LT EO/ROGUE
Link to forums account - @KSI magestic
Reasoning why they deserve this - Magestic has been through so many hard ships throughout his time in KSI so far but has never let that bring him down, he is always looking for a way to help out the squad/division and is on top of all promotions. His weakest strength is his recruiting but doesn't let that stop him and has found a way to recruit with the assistance of other officers or members in the squad who don't feel ready to do the recruiting themselves. Magestic is always down for playing whatever games the squad is currently into and will try to find the funds to get the newest game if the squad is looking into it or pay for name changes. I couldn't be more proud of Magestic!