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KSI ShadowFoxx

The Shadow Realm
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KSI ShadowFoxx last won the day on February 13 2018

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About KSI ShadowFoxx

  • Birthday 09/25/1993

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  • Location
    -Foxx's Den
  • Gamertag
    KSI ShadowFoxx
  • Date Recruited
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    KSI ShadowFoxx#5554
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  1. As a Senior member of T&E I can verify that this member is indeed in T&E
  2. Team Captain: KSI ShadowFoxx Division: LS Teammate: KSI Akame 7 Division: LS
  3. Team Name: The A team Team capt: KSI ShadowFoxx (LS) Team member: KSI Excalibur (DM)
  4. Team CPT: KSI FluffyPup 7 Division: DM Team member: SNEAKYPANDA1781 Division: DM Team Member: KSI griffer1290 Division: DM
  5. Team Captain: KSI Kratos18 Division: DM Teammate: KSI ShadowFoxx Division: DM Teammate: KSI InvaildUser Division: DM Alt: KSI Akame 7 Division: LS
  6. Category: LT Gamertag; KSI Kratos18 Forums Account Link / @KSI Kratos18 Reasons they deserve this award - The past few weeks Kratos and I have gotten to know each other and the way we run as officers, I have never met someone so willing to help out the squad and go out of their way for the members other then Kratos. On a daily basis Kratos plays with the members and keeps a calm cool head even when they make him loose his rank in Ranked. The past few weeks I have seen Kratos grow more and more with the squad learning who needs what and how to deal with little problems that may occur in the squad. The past weekend the Americans had their Thanksgiving and KSI had their Turkey bowl, even though our general gave us the week off Kratos seen some non-American members playing alone and invited them to the games and parties to hang out so they wouldn't feel alone. We recently had a member in our squad that was approached by some former members of KSI now threatening to DDOS him and the other members on his friends list, even tho it was Thanksgiving Kratos went and did a security check for the whole squad with the assistance of two other members to make sure that no one's holiday would be effected by immature children. Kratos is an amazing officer and I can't wait but grow with him and the squad and learn more from. Category: Member Gamertag: KSI BadKitty 7 Forums Account Link/ @KSI BadKitty 7 Reasons they deserve this award: So lets be honest, Kitty and I haven't always gotten along in fact there was a time where Kitty and I hated each other and for no good reason. (Our personalities are too close in my opinion) The past year Kitty and I have worked together in T&E and that was the only place we were "forced" to work together in, honestly I am so happy we did! In the past year Kitty has been my go to cat when I need anything, my questions in T&E were always straight to her, questions on awards I would go to her, damn even questions on being a better member or officer I went to kitty, she had every right to blow me off due to our past. Kitty never did though she was ALWAYS professional. Kitty has always been a member that any member can go to about anything. In T&E I do all I can to make things easier for her because she bends over backwards for us, there is no place in KSI where I don't see Kittys name pop up, there is no doubt in my mind that Kitty deserve this award, in fact she deserves more then this! I am so happy I met Kitty and to call her not only a friend but a mentor I hope to continue to learn form Kitty as the days go on. Category: General Gamertag: KSI YAMAT0 Forums Account Link/ @KSI God Zeus Reasons they deserve this award: First lets go back about a year, Bryan (YAMAT0 aka God Zeus) had two BEAUTIFUL babes! With the task of new born twins, Bryan never gave up on KSI let alone a squad who hasn't always been at the top of the charts. Since returning to DM and joining DISCORD I have been under YAMAT0's command, and I am a little too suborn to admit I have learned a lot from him, and more then anything patience, Bryan has done more then keep a squad that isn't always doing the best, together but keeps his members active, when Bryan and I met I wasn't his biggest fan but after a year of getting to know him and what he does as a gen I have so much respect for this man!
  7. Team Captain: Gamertag: KSI Warning Division/squad: DM / DISCORD Team Member: Gamertag: Radioactive KIA Division/squad: DM / HELLBORN Gamertag: KSI Freckles Division/Squad: DM / CRUELTY Gamertag: KSI ShadowFoxx Division/squad: DM /DISCORD
  8. Gametag - KSI ShadowFoxx Award(s)- Legen- Ripple Effect On Point Round of Applause Three Cheers Forums Account - @KSI ShadowFoxx Reason - I have 32 awards Staff Award(s): Roxy Foxy Support Group The Double Agent The Love Doctor Winter Is Coming
  9. Team Captain: KSI Igan o7 Division: DM Teammate: KSI ShadowFoxx Division: DM
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