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KSIxjmitchell last won the day on August 21 2017

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About KSIxjmitchell

  • Birthday 02/18/1983

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KSIxjmitchell's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Division leader LS KSI Killer 7 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35003-ksi-killer-7/ Killer 7 deserves this award for more reasons than I have time to write. Killer7's passion for ksi and his last strike division is unparalleled. Killer 7 drives this division always moving forward and upward. Killer 7 goes above and beyond to help any member at any time with anything. Killer 7 is the most dedicated and respected leader/member I know. Killer 7 has inspired me personally with his leadership skills, abilities attitude and passion. SSGT impulse LS KSIxToxicAce Http:/www.ksiforums.org/profile/43417-nasty-toxic/ Toxic deserves this award because he has help build impulse squad with over 10 recruits in less than a month and 6 promotions. He is always available to help anyone who needs it. He goes above and beyond his SSGT duties to host game nights and helps motivate all impulse members to be more active.
  2. General KSIxShadowNinja Gen-Impulse-Last Strike link to forums http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/27335-ksixshadowninja/ KSIxShadowNinja deserves this award for being an outstanding general for Impulse squad. He goes above and beyond his duties to help members and create squad cohesion. He leads by example and shares his knowlege at all times as well as being an awesome mentor to all his officers. In spite of having a small officer staff he continually drives us forward and never lets the squad sit stagnate.
  3. Gamertag: KSIxShadowNinja I claim KSIxShadowNinja as my mentor. He is a great leader and mentor. He continually leads by example and emulates the best in KSI standards. Without KSIxShadowNinja's mentoring I would not be where I am now.
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