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About KSI TYR4845

  • Birthday 07/03/1996

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    KSI Tyr4845
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  1. FadeZ is a real OG, he is always putting time aside for his members to make sure they are satisfied on their needs. For example he is currently my mentor in GSM and makes sure that we know what we are doing. He is always clear about his instructions and makes sure we are following along. He’s never afraid to talk to someone and loves to be around people, making this community more at home with each person he reaches out to.
  2. oh jesus king, this fool has done outstanding work in ES and has touched the hearts of many. he loves to joke with them members/ making inside jokes and bringing people together such as myself. he is one of those people that just really leave a good mark and really makes a difference in the community. he makes the members a priority and he honestly deserves this award. (small I know but I am a bit tired)
  3. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hatter 77 Link to forums account -https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/13216-hatter-77/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I will admit I've written about this member a couple times and id do it again... since her transfer her I have never seen eye to eye with her. THIS HOT HEADED HAT still amazes ne with the amount of patience and dedication she has for her members. I can say by experience because ive been nothing but problems for her she I guess sees past my issues and has given me chances I shouldn't have been given, I honestly should have been removed but she stands up for me and puts up with my non-sense. im sure im not the only member she does this to witch is the reason im saying this. she keeps this div safe by making sure people are sticking to the rules and that's how it should be. I may be a problem child @Hatter 77 but I low key give you props, cheers, and respect. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jynxie Link to forums account -https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/47048-ksi-jynxie-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - this co-founder has shown nothing but passion for the members of ES and continues to come up with ideas to improve peoples moral and activity. weather it be game nights, hang outs, 1on1 party to ensure people are doing ok. I always see her on the discord and interacting to keep things flowing (ive been watching from the side lines since day 1) I believe ES is a perfect fit for her and I see her taking over one day as div lead. never give up in your darkest times @KSI Jynxie 7 General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nagisa General ES ANGELS SQUAD Link to forums account -https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41036-ksi-nagisa/ Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Has proven himself over and over again even over the countless frustrations he has. as a previous gen I have seen him take on more than he can handle again and again and again and it never ceases to amaze me on the amount of dedications he has for his squad. he has inherited the mantel of gen from me and put his ideas into play and making angles what it is today (better than what I had it at) hes always there for his members and is always pushing for greatness. your doing great @KSI Nagisa your making me proud. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI WickdMammal SGT ES ANGELS Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/46805-ksi-mammal/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This person deserves this award due to the fact he has a very positive attitude when it comes to the community. since his RE-Recruitment he has shown promise on being a star member within the squad and look forward on what he has to offer for not only ANGELS as a squad but ES Eternal Souls as a DIV. if he takes thigs professional and learns how to be an amazing officer with the help from not only I but the other officers then I believe he will go far within the chain of command. He always keeps in contact with officer, not only 3 days as a SGT and he's ready to climb the ranks, he pays attention, asks questions, and is on the ball with me. like I said I look forward to what he has to offer KEEP IT UP @KSI Mammal.
  4. Let’s go ES I’ll see you all on the field!
  5. @KSI Nagisa just like the previous comment from king those details are facts and as the previous gen he has helped me since the get go. I know I was never the greatest but when he was their he did more and more than what was required both by the handbook and by the previous gen, as well as the 7 leadership within the div. when I stepped down and he took over as gen he has never stopped. He has not just help build the foundation of angels but the whole div to keep people involved.
  6. What is there to say about KSI Hatter? Jesus there is actually ALOT. For starters she transferred to ES a good couple months back and was determined. I do not know WHAT kinda fire ignited her but she has worked ENDLESS days and ENDLESS nights to resurrect her first project squad banshee and by god she did it in record time that I remember. After her promotion not long before spring break she continued to strive for increasing the strength of the div and making it her goal to train not only me on my rank to ensure I can do it right as a gen but everyone else as an officer as well. She has bent over backwards to teach me even when she is not home. She is an inspiration to many and has completely changed my view on her. She pushed for greatness and lit us up and pushed us for greatness showing us that if we worked together for once we could accomplish something OUTSTANDING, and the outcome you say? Well that was the absolute stampede we brought to spring break taking the first place by force on both the poll and The events. She is an officer with passion and is a prime example for everyone to look up to, I sure do. I can’t wait to see what else she pulls out of her HAT hehe hatter pun but I’m excited. -Sincerely KSI SN1P3RB0552 General of Angels squad ES.
  7. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - FOUNDER KSI xKing 77 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16503-ksi-xking-77/ Reasoning why they deserve this - King has shown dedication as well when he transferred to ES. He is very social with these members. He has made sure that all members needs are resolved as best as he can with the tools he has. He has single handedly tooken so much off of our previous division leaders plate. It amazing what he has accomplished and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for ES. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - co-fo DW KSI VENUM 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44250-venum-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Venum has come to ES as a PO officer and worked his ass of in that roll, helping as best as he can. He was dubbed the nickname KESH by angels officers. From what I was hearing from a lot of other people is that he keeps the snow ball rolling to a giant avalanche in his div to better it. With what it brings I can’t wait to work closer with him to see what he has for KSI as a whole. Love ya KESH! General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - GEN KSI Hatter 77 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/13216-hatter-77/ Reasoning why the deserve this - When Hatter transferred to ES she had big plans, as she progresses she has shown that her ideas can and WILL become true. She has rebuilt a dead squad and is now in the process of getting other gens up to par. I look forward to seeing what is to come of ES. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - 1ST CPT KSI Nagisa Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41036-ksi-nagisa/ Reasoning why they deserve this - this member has blown me away in the position he is in as 1ST CPT of ANGELS squad. He ensures that everything runs smoothly, takes all reports from any sort of action from the officer (like weekly reports on the officers) and keeps the GEN informed. He is truly the second in command and helps the GEN solve problems and gives him ideas to help improve the squad. His devotion leads him to countless nights of NO SLEEP and our motto is sleeping is for the weak. Keep it up CPT you’ll go far. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - 1ST LT KSI DIRTYMAX Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21921-ksidirtymax90/ Reasoning why they deserve this - this member has shown dedication to the squad to the best of his ability, even when he had horrible work hours. He tried his best to ensure that the squad doesn’t have any issues and if they do arise he is 9 times out of 10 the first officer on scene to deal with the issue before the other officers. He is a dedicated problem solver. Keep it up! Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - SSGT KSI Memonator Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/47895-ksi-memonator/ Reasoning why they deserve this - this member deserves the award to the fullest extent. She has been working her butt of to help ensure the survival of her home squad ES Angels. She has been recruiting, party hopping, running game nights, and making sure that she is always there for her members. The amount of dedication that had been displayed has blown away her gen especially during spirit week so far. Keep up the good work and you’ll go far.
  8. I can agree with this. -angels squad ES gen
  9. Team Captain: KSI SN1P3RB0552 Division: ES Teammate: KSI Nagisa Division: ES Teammate: KSI SouthPark18 Division: ES
  10. Team Name: TheUltimateQueenz Teammate #1: SenpaiXSunshine Teammate #2: CountDorkula97
  11. Team Name: Cupid's Bromance (because bane did parenthesis) Teammate #1: KSI SN1P3RB0552 Teammate #2: KSI Nagisa
  12. Gamertag: KSIMCZIPPY Division: ES Gamertag: xx420assassinX Division: ES
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